Namjoon Oppa🐨

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Fourth date for this week with Namjoon Oppa. I woke up and I went to my room. I showered and got dressed because RM is taking me to breakfast. This is what you look like: (You are wearing a jacket)

I walked downstairs, me and Namjoon oppa walked to the cafe

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I walked downstairs, me and Namjoon oppa walked to the cafe. We had Coffee, waffles w/ ice cream and water. We went back home none of the boys were here.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They're just helping patrol the city." He said walking to the living room.

"Oh okay." I said walking behind him.

He sat down on the couch.

"But this is perfect timing because I wanna talk to you." He said as he signaled me to sit next to him.

"You may know that V knows who you like but also me and Suga-hyung know." He said.

"Well, for a man with an IQ score of 148 you would know who I like." I said.

He chuckled. "Well all three of us where thinking you tell him on his birthday that's in a couple of days." He said.

"Oh Okay. Wait... Can you get him out the house on his birthday and go somewhere away from the city." I said.

"Yeah I can. Suga-hyung will help you with the supplies and leave it in the SUV the day before his birthday. I'll park my car in front of the house so we can get in and leave, so that the 6 of you can decorate." He said.

"But you know you have talk about it with the others so that they can get their feelings out before his birthday." I said.

"I know that." He said as he stood up walking to the kitchen.

"Oh Also your mom is coming back on his birthday. She called to let you know that she wants to surprise him and wants to talk to you." He turned around and said.

"Oh okay, thank you and good night Joonie." I said as I stood up and walked upstairs.

"Night Banshee." He said.

"I'm going to kill Him."

"I can read minds you know." He yelled from downstairs.

I did my night routine then went to bed.

--- ~~~ --- To Be Continued--- ~~~ ---

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