Jungkook Oppa🐰

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First date for this week with Jungkook Oppa. I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. I ate and went to get dress This is what you look like: (ignore the headphones, wearing a jacket)

 I ate and went to get dress This is what you look like: (ignore the headphones, wearing a jacket)

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I walked back downstairs said bye to the boys and we left.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"That's for me to know?" Jungkook said.

"Oppa~" I whined.

"Nope can't tell~." He said.

I started sulking while following him. He was whistling while walking.


After 8 minutes of walking we stopped, we were at an arcade. It looked small but once we walked inside it was huge.

"Thank you Kookie Oppa." I said.

"Your welcome Y/N. Now let's go play games." He said.

We played for a couple of hours. We went to dinner.

"Jungkook this place is expensive." I said concerned.

"Only for the expensive girl." He said.

"I would've accepted a store brought ramen bowl." I said honestly.

He laughed then stopped when he saw I was being serious.

"Oh you're serious..?" He asked.

"Yes I am, very serious." I replied.

Jungkook slouched in his chair, thinking about the scold he would get from his hyungs.


We finished dinner and headed home. Once we got home I kissed Jungkook on the cheek said goodnight the went to my room and starting thinking and wondering about the other members dates. I might get fat by the end of this week. Mom please don't kill me for eating like this for a whole week.

----To Be Continued----

°Some date chapters are gonna be longer than the other chapters because I'm lazy.°



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