🔘 37

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"Jimin, I know you're scared. I wanted to tell you that there's no reason anymore, to be scared that is." Jungkook whispers, Jimin just looks at him quizzically.

"Your dad," Jimin flinches at the mention of his name. "He was arrested, you'll go to court in a couple of weeks when you're ready, and his sentence will likely give him life in prison without chance of parole." Jungkook assures.

"Thank you." Jimin whispers the first word in two days and started crying.

"Why are you still here for me? I'm fucking disgusting, I'm used, abused, and broken, why do you want me?" Jimin cries.

"Because I want to fix you, I want to make you feel better, you aren't used, it wasn't your fault, none of it was, Jimin, you're the best thing that has happened to me even if we have only been together for a couple weeks, I've already known you for a lifetime, I already know that you're the person that I want to commit to." Jungkook runs his hands through Jimin's hair as Jimin curls up into Jungkook's lap, leaning his head on his chest.

"Thank you for staying with me, through my highs and lows. I'll try, if it means I get to be with you, I don't deserve someone as caring as you." Jimin says.

"I don't deserve someone like you." Jungkook smiles. "You're my fallen angel." He continues, Jimin just doesn't react and blushes.

The doctor walks in to see Jimin talking again, but he did act much more shy around everyone except Jungkook.

The doctor and Jungkook already know that Jimin will end up having trust issues for a while now.

"He will be free to go tomorrow, we just have to run a couple more checks and make sure those wounds will heal well, which I will expect you to be able to care for well, and anyways if they aren't healing feel free to call, though I doubt you'll have difficultly." The doctor smiles.

"Emotional trauma is hard to get through, I know myself, that's why I became a doctor. Ah but you don't need to know about me, but I recommend if you don't get well or you feel stuck, go to a therapist, they can really help." She mentions.

"Thank you for your help doctor, we both appreciate it, even though he may not express it." Jungkook replies back.

"That's my job." She winks.

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