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[go check out my book for tags and random stuff, I put my fan art for this book on there, it's in chapter 12]

"Hello, please my boyfriend is brutally beat up and raped. His dad is the main culprit and my boyfriend is passed out from it please hurry here." Jungkook frantically says on the phone.

"Ok sir, what is your address?" They ask.

"[insert location name]" Jungkook replies.

"I'll send them on their way." The operator replies.

"So you're letting the cops get me? How cowardice of you, why don't you fight me like a real man would?" The crazy dad laughs.

"Sorry, only a real man would keep his composure, you're going bye bye to the cops." Jungkook mocks and calmly keeps composure as he entertains the mentally damaged father.

"Not if they can't catch me." The dad smirks.

"Lucky for you, I'm closer to the door and you're locked in here now, and the windows can't open, I've known that for a while, since your son couldn't escape, I know all the tricks you have hidden in this house to keep your son from getting away from your grasp because then without your son, you couldn't have a toy to hurt. Fucking newsflash here, he isn't some toy to hurt, he's a human too and should be treated like one, as for you, you're no human, you're a monster, that's all you'll ever be too." Jungkook laughs.

"Oh I know I'm a monster, I'm a fucking sadist, I love seeing others in pain, especially inflicted from me, oh and especially my slutty son, going and flirting with all the boys, he deserves a punishment for being so terrible." The dad says.

"Is that all you think of Jimin? Wow, you couldn't be any farther from the truth, Jimin is legit the shyest kid at our school and I'm the only person he will talk to." Jungkook states.

"Mhm, I'll believe that." The dad rolls his eyes.

"Wow you really are messed up, I can't even talk to you because you can't be rational!" Jungkook starts getting irritated again.

Soon enough the police and ambulance get there and take Jimin's dad away to be arrested for abuse and rape, though the rape wasn't his dad though why not? He's hurt his son enough and will have a life long sentence. As for Jimin, he was taken to the hospital.


I think this book is ending within 15 chapters, we'll see 😉

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