⏯ log 25

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"So far, today has been pretty well

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"So far, today has been pretty well. Jungkook and I opened up to the school, lets just say it was like the whole 'sports jock and nerd falling in love' cliche. But who doesn't love a real life cliche? I find them adorable." Jimin laughs. "Ah luckily mostly everyone was supportive of our relationship... besides those weird Jungkook fan girls and my bullies, but my Kookie protects me from them." Jimin blushes.

"Recently, I've been thinking of dyeing my hair, though I'm wondering what color? I'm tired of this blonde hair." Jimin sighs.
[please comment hair color suggestions]

"Ever since Kookie confessed, I've been pretty happy, well at times when I'm not being hurt. But that's a different story." Jimin shrugs.

"I wish I could feel like this all the time, but we all know that will never happen. Wow don't we love depression." Jimin rolls his eyes.

Depression has been Jimin's worst enemy since he was 13, the voices often don't stop. The voices technically never stop, though they can be ignored in certain people's presence when they make him happy.

"People often say happiness is bullshit. Personally, I think chasing after happiness and searching for happiness is what's the bullshit. Happiness should come to people, I'm never implying that it lasts because undoubtedly it won't last. Happiness itself is not bullshit, it's us trying to chase after it and use pointless things or people that we assume make us happy, but we never know until it hits on on the universes will. The universe has already planned our fate, we can't rush it." Jimin rambles. "Wow I'm just rambling, I'll stop." He laughs.

"Anyways Jimin's life lessons are over for today, goodbye." Jimin fakes a tear and turns off the camera.

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