⏯ log 26

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"It has been a week since I've recorded my last log, I've just had nothing to talk about to be honest

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"It has been a week since I've recorded my last log, I've just had nothing to talk about to be honest. But tomorrow is my birthday, I'm so excited to go over Jungkook's tonight." Jimin shrugs.

"But first I've decided to dye my hair, we are doing it black with caramel blonde highlights. I mean lets get started." Jimin grabs the dye bottle.

Jimin had dyed his hair a couple times prior, so he already knows how to do it.

As he gets started he makes his hair stick up.

"Oh goodness, I need stopped." Jimin laughs.

Jimin finishes putting the dye in.

"So now I have to leave this in for twenty minutes. So I guess lets just talk." He shrugs and laughs.

Jimin just rambles pointless things to the camera for twenty minutes.

"Lets go wash this out." Jimin says as he brings his camera to the bathroom.

Jimin turns on the water.

"I hate washing out the dye, the cold water is not always so pleasant. It gives me the shivers." Jimin mimics the shaking.

After a couple minutes of washing the dye out he goes to dry his hair. Soon his hair is a raven black with cool blue undertones and the caramel blonde highlights.

"Almost time to leave for Jungkook's house, I hope he likes it. Then at midnight, I will be 18 and I won't have to worry about my dad and his 'gift' until I come back to get my stuff. Anyways I'm going to go until I get there and I will film his reaction." Jimin grins.

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