⏯ log 36

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"So Jimin has been awake for a couple hours, I'm like really worried about him, he won't speak a word, he just looks terrified

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"So Jimin has been awake for a couple hours, I'm like really worried about him, he won't speak a word, he just looks terrified." Jungkook frowns.

"The only way he will interact is with me and by nodding and shaking his head, I-I think he has been scarred emotionally. Ugh this is all my fault, I wish I would've gotten there sooner or we would go together." Jungkook cries.

"I mean I'm just happy he's awake, but I don't think he will be the same after this.
I-I think he will be way more closed off but hopefully not towards me or I can at least help him." Jungkook sighs.

"But the doctors said he's just shaken up by the recent events so it will take a little bit for him to talk and someone to comfort him, I just want to be there for him. Well this was Jungkook's log, signing out." He sadly smiles.

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