⏯ log 10

286 20 0

"Everything is getting worse. They started bullying me more and I don't even know why." Jimin breaks down crying, it had been a few days since his last log.

"Is it because I hang out with our schools popular sporty kid? Jungkook doesn't care who he hangs out with, as long as he likes the person enough. They say I'm only friends with him for the social status and fame but it's not true!" Jimin cries even harder.

"Why? Why is my life like this, I've never done anything to anyone. I'm always nice, I'm always obedient. But no, of course I'm the one who gets beat up for their good deeds." Jimin sniffles.

"Life is so unfair to the good people. They would all be better off without me anyways." Jimin breaks.

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