Chapter 14

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Niall's POV:

I eye the sparkling killer in his hand, and for the first time ever, I feel true panic. I finally realize how terrified people must have been when I raised my knife towards them...

They had to know it was only because I was afraid of them right? People don't see me as a crazed killer? Do they?

"Not so fun being on the other side of the knife, now is it?" The sick piece of shit chuckles sarcastically at me.

I glare him down, trying to figure out a plan to overpower him. But my head is spinning from the blows brought upon by his fist. I can't think straight between that and the fact that my leg feels like it's gonna fall off from the pain shooting throughout it. That f.ucker bit into the muscle... I look down at it with wide eyes. Wow, that's a lot of blood...

It takes me a couple of minutes to realize that I'm almost falling unconscious. Shit. I sit straight up, and the sudden movement makes my head hurt even more. I wince, screwing my eyes shut for a moment. 

My brief moment of confusion gives him the advantage. By the time I open my eyes, Jeff is sitting on top of me with the knife pressed up against my throat.

My vision is full of blurred up colors, but somewhere in the mess I see Jeff's face. The face I hate with a f.ucking passion. Is this what Cynthia saw before she died?


The burning hatred for her killer bubbles up inside of me. Even with my mental state currently disoriented, I try to use all of my strength to throw the sick monster off of me. 

I surprisingly succeed. I stagger to my feet, but immediately have to grab the counter top to keep from losing my balance. Shit, this guy has messed up my brain in someway. Or maybe it's all of the blood I'm losing from the gash in my leg that's causing me to feel like I'm going to pass out...

I clench my fists. Fight it. Stay awake. Don't let him hurt Madison. Stay awake. Fight it.

I struggle to keep my eyes open, as thoughts of my beautiful Madi course through my brain.

"Don't.... touch.... her." I force the words out through clenched teeth.

Jeff does look damaged as well from my beatings, but he hasn't lost as much blood as me, which is probably why he's still standing there, proud, smirking at me.

"Eh." He shrugs and I want to fucking strangle him. I would, if I could. But the darkness is a heavy weight that I'm finding difficult to keep above my shoulders. My mind screams in fury but my body can't take anymore. I fall to the floor and find my eyes closing.

The last words I hear send a heart shattering bolt of terror throughout my being before I black out.

"Let's get started, shall we?"

Madison's POV:

I bolt awake when I hear the front door slam shut.

I leap to my feet, sudden panic coursing through me. Where's Niall?! How long was I asleep? 

I quickly search the bed for my phone, finding it under my pillow at last. 7:53.

Well, school's in 7 minutes. Great.

I roll out of bed and fling myself down the stairs, eyes darting back and forth, "Jeff?"

"Morning, Madi." Jeff calls from the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen, surprised to see him mopping the floors. The place reeks of bleach. I give him a puzzled look, "What are you even doing?" 

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