Chapter 42 | Back Off.

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"Oh, look who that is." I saw Rebecca beckoning Dylan who was behind me. Grinning wildly, I threw Dylan a sassy wink before coming to stand behind Rebecca who was accompanied by a man, probably the same age as Dylan's father. I assumed he was one of their close friends because Dylan too rushed to greet the man.

"Mr. Simpson?" Dylan popped his head from behind me and I jumped. His hand rested on my waist suggestively for a split second before he moved forward to greet the said Mr. Simpson. I chose to keep myself at a respectable distance from the company. I had had enough introductions to last me a lifetime and my heart was near exploding from the number of times I'd heard 'Dylan's girlfriend'. I wasn't sure my heart could bear yet another explosion of happiness.

"What a surprise!" He exclaimed happily as they embraced. "I thought you were in Italy."

I stole a look at the man's face. He didn't look much like an Italian, if Dylan's and Rebecca's faces told anything. He looked like an American, more Latin American even if his tan skin and accent were to be believed. Mr. Simpson, it seemed, was a pleasant fellow with a gummy smile and a bit of a beer belly. It was quite obvious that Dylan's father had maintained himself much better. Yet, I could see why Mr. Scott saw Mr. Simpson as one of his closest friends. Mr. Simpson, as Rebecca told me, was the owner of one of the biggest businesses in America and was currently expanding in Italy to strengthen his bonds with the Scott and Morgan Industries, a joint conglomerate of Mr. Scott and Rebecca's parents.

If he had any ulterior motives to come to the party, he wasn't letting it show as he laughed while hugging Dylan.

"I know. I know, young man." He beamed. "It's been two years since I last saw you. I've been pestering Rafael to arrange a family gathering but he's a busy man and why not? He's been very busy raising a good businessman and a heir." He clapped Dylan's back proudly.

"It's been a smooth journey so far." Rebecca said. "Except for a few hicks here and there, Dylan's been doing pretty well at the company office in the past one year. We even thought of sending him over to Italy. He could have studied and trained there under your and my parents' guidance but we changed our minds since he was already doing so well here." Rebecca looked at her son, pride shining in her eyes as Dylan smiled modestly.

"Oh, talking about Italy, where's Gisele? Wasn't she studying Filmmaking and Design in London?" Rebecca asked and my breath slowed. Was this the same Gisele Renee had told me about?

"Oh yes. She must be around here somewhere." Mr. Simpson looked around, his glass of champagne lying untouched on the table behind. "Her flight landed a couple of hours ago. Had a terrible jet lag but insisted I take her along. Apparently, she was too eager to meet your handsome son right here." He threw a knowing look in Dylan's direction who looked extremely surprised.

Rebecca burst out laughing. "Oh well, too bad my handsome son's already been spoken for."

Dylan nodded. "I didn't know Gisele thought of me like that." He laughed awkwardly. Taking my arm he pulled me closer from where I'd been hiding behind Rebecca and smiled. "I'm taken." He shrugged. "This is my girlfriend Mira." He put a comforting hand around my shoulders. "If you ask me, I'm most likely going to end up married to her and honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way."

I looked up in shock to find Dylan smiling genuinely. Rebecca looked just as surprised as Mr. Simpson but then, grinned. "I didn't know things were this serious." She teased but Dylan smirked. His grip on my shoulder tightened reassuringly. "I didn't either."

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