Chapter 29: Realization

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---- Astrid's P.O.V ----

Its been 2 days since I left Berk and already I'm beginning to regret coming here. I'm not as strong as I thought I was and I don't understand why. I suddenly feel dear and anxiety when I'm close to danger. That's not like me at all?

As soon as I arrived at the Forrest to meet Drago I surrendered so he knew I wanted to talk, thankfully he let me come in piece and even put me in a nice room to stay. I'm now on my way to meet him in his meeting Hall and hopefully I'll find out who my parents actually are and where they are.


- One hour before Hiccup's meeting about Drago-

" Crystall!" I called up the stairs

" Crystall come on! Hiccup's starting the meeting any moment now, Hurry up Will you!" I said

" I'm coming I'm coming!" she replied

I turn to my parents to see the worry on their faces and still face confused to the fact that they're not coming to the meeting.

" So mum, dad, tell me again, why are you not coming to the meeting?" I ask

" Well we lied about the whole fishing trip Astrid, we're not going away just for the weekend, your mother and I are going away forever" Said my father

" What?!" I questioned

My mother and father explained how they were really my uncle and aunt and they just wanted to protect me and Crystall from Drago. They told me how they had no idea where Drago had taken my real parents.

I began to to tremble as I fight off the tears wanting to escape my eyes.

" B--But I don't understand? Why would Drago want to kill me and Crystal?" I asked

" Because Astrid your parents made you very special, they made you a--" My uncle paused as Crystall came down the stairs and wondered why we all looked so worried.

" Ermm, is everything okay?" She asked

" Yeah of course, sure, yep, lets go Crystall" I said in a hurry not wanting her to find out

" Okay okay" she giggled

I looked back at my parents... I mean uncle and aunties and a tear finally escaped my eye " I love you both" I whispered.

Then I shut the door and made my way to the hall with Crystall as Hiccup was about to give his speech about our bump in with Drago in the Forrest.


I never got to hear the end of what my uncle was saying, all I know is my real parents are our hear somewhere and drago wants me dead. But why?

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