Chapter 8: Gaining New Powers

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---- Hiccups P.O.V -----

I have been waiting for hours now hearing Astrid's cries and waiting to know how bad the damage is. I could'nt stay in there and let her see me worried. I love her more than life its self and if I lost her I could never go on.

Toothless looked at me in a strange way and nudged  me. 

" What is it Bud?" I moaned

"Rooaaah" he replied

Then suddenly he hit me with a strange coloured plasma blast, I felt no pain or force. my blood felt warmer and my heart began to beat stronger.

" Bud? what was that?" I said as a tear escaped my eye.

" Hiccup!" called Gobber

I ran in to Astrids side, her face was even more pale and her eyes were full of tears. I caught one of her tears and said " We'll have no more of that now" as I stroked her face.

she looked at me and smiled

" I Love you so much Hiccup" she struggled and she gave her last breath 

" Astrid?, Astrid?" I said as I shook her several times.

" No, no! NOO! ASTRID!" I said as I pulled her into my arms and held her tight.

" I love you too Astrid" I said as a tear escaped my eye and landed on her cheek.

" By the name of Thor" said Gobber as his jaw fell open

 I looked down at Astrid to see my tear was glowing, it moved slowly and slipped into Astrids mouth. A moment of silence fell in to room when suddenly...

Astrid took a very deep breath and slowly began to open her eyes. Her eyes were shining and her body began to regain its natural colour.

I pulled her up and kissed her tightly

" you didn't think you'd get rid of me that easy?" she said and she attempted to sit up but felt great pain

" Your not made or iron Astrid, please rest" I replied

" I don't understand Hiccup, she died i'm sure of it. Her heart stopped beating?" Said a confused Gobber

Just then toothless walked in he looked at me and somehow I could see him smiling

" I gave you dragon power Hiccup, only night fury's can give them" Said toothless

I looked at everyone surprised

" Wait a minute that plasma blast gave me powers" I said

" Yes" replied toothless

" And only those who receive it can speak and understand dragons and gain powers that only you can discover"

Astrid slower sat up and looked at toothless

" Can I speak to stormfly?" She said

" Hang on? how can Astrid understand you too?" I said 

" Because you gave Astrid a tear of power she may not receive many powers, she might not receive any at all but she has the power to communicate with dragons too." He said

Gobber and my dad looked and Astrid and I like we were crazy

" Errm you guys feeling okay?" Said Gobber

Astrid and I explained everything to them and they told to village to. Astrid and I were known as the ' Dragon legands'.

what?... we're not going to turn down such a cool name were we?

Later that day when Astrid finally got off to sleep I went downstairs to get a drink. When I got to the bottom of the stairs Gobber and my dad gave me a worried look.

" What is it?" I said as I rushed down the last step

" Son I'm afraid its not good news" My father said as he bowed his head and past me a peice of paper

" What this?.." I said as I then realized it was the paper that the mysterious man dropped.

I looked to see a map of Berk and a house was circled in red, It was Astrid's house. Then as I read the notes and plans I realized that this was a Plan to kill Astrid.

I looked at my father and Gobber with anger steaming

" Son, I don't know who and I don't know when but someone wants Astrid dead" Said my father

I looked at him as I cooling my anger and looked up to where Astrid would be sleeping

" Well they're gonna have a hard time, I wont let anything happen to her, EVER"

My father and Gobber smiled at me and shook their heads in agreement

" Spoken like a chief my son" said my father as my placed his hand on my shoulder

" No dad, spoken like a chief and a husband who wants to protect the love of his life" I said as they pulled me in for a hug.

Just then their was a scream from upstairs, to be more clear it was Astrid's scream.

" ASTRID" I shouted as I ran up the stairs with my father and Gobber following

To be continued...

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