Chapter 2: Protective Hiccup

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( 2 years later)

----Hiccups P.O.V---- now aged( 17)

I wake up the sun is shining, and its another beautiful day here on Berk. Today I've got a class at the dragon academy with the gang and my girlfriend. Oh and Astrid is part of the gang by the way... I just like to use the word girlfriend *blushes* 

 I walk into the academy and see my loyal team, all prepped and ready for the day ahead. Today we're going to the outside of outcast island. There have been reports that Alvin(our barbaric, murdering scum of an enemy) has been shooting down Innocent dragons. So my team and i are going to make sure that non are hurt or lost.

"Morning all" I said

" Hey Hiccup" 

" whats up dude"

"Morning" were the responses i got from them all... All but one... Astrid.

She gives me a rather different response. She walk over blushing as red as can be and gave me a kiss on the lips and said " Morning Hiccup" 

" Morning milady" as I pull her in and kiss her while I hold her over my knee

" Eww, get a room" calls Slotlout.

Yep charming old Snotlout, who's for the record still not got over me and Asrtid being together even though its been 2 years. 

----Astrids P.O.V----

" I don't know why you don't get your self a real girl anyway Hiccup" Says Snotlout as he looks me up and down.

Hiccup burst forward to hit him and i grap his had and stand in front of him.

"He's not worth it Hiccup" 

I place my hands on his cheeks and look into his emerald green eyes and give him a please calm down smile as he pulls me in for a passionate kiss.

" Your perfect no matter what he says, I love you" says Hiccup as I blush and turn as red as a tomato. 

" And I love you too" as we kiss again before setting off on our dragons.

---- Hiccups P.O.V----

We'd been flying through the sky for about an hour above outcast island with no sight of injured or trapped dragons in sight.

I call out as I turn to go back

---- Astrids P.O.V ----

 As I turn around and get into the line to make my way back to Berk with the others im suddenly pushed to one side.

I turn and see Snotlout with a big smirk on his face as if he was about to do something wreckless.

I dont know why he donsent like me anymore. Hes been like this with my ever since I satrted dating Hiccup 2 years ago.

" Move it girly!" He says as he nudges me again

" Knock it off" I said as I gave him a little nidge back

He falls off his dragon and lands on mine slipping off the side

Hiccup&AstridTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang