Chapter 24: The arrival

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---- Hiccup ----

A few months later and life on Berk is back to normal, there were a few attacks made by Eric( Alvin's son) which had all failed. Eric must not have the hack for being an enemy... well at least not a good one anyway.

I was walking home one afternoon with a basket of bread, Astrid and I had invited everyone round for dinner for my fathers birthday, and by everyone I mean Gobber, Gothi, the twins, Snotlout, Fishlegs and of course my father. We had to make a big deal out of it because it was my fathers first birthday as a retired man. He was happier then he'd ever been, must be all the lye ins he gets now. *  laugh to the thought*

As I approach the house notice the everyone was gathered outside my house except my father and Gothi. When I approached I noticed the worries and stressed look on all their faces. When they noticed me they all rushed by my side,

" Where have you been?"

" What took you so long Hiccup?"

I was confused by all their questions and raised my eyebrow to said what in Thors name are you talking about?

Ruff pushed her way through everyone and pulled me to to door " It's Astrid!" she said

Then I heard a loud painful scream " ARRRRGGGGGGGG!" screamed Astrid

' ERIC!' I said to myself

I burst through the door and grab my fire sword ready to strike at Eric

My father and Gothi look at each other and then to me

" Son? I don't quite think a sword is going to help Astrid deliver this baby, do you?" said my father

I then looked over to Astrid who was lying on the floor screaming in pain whilst holding her hands over her face. 

I ran over to Astrids side and grabbed her hands and kissed them.

" Hiccup!" She said in relief

" I'm here now, everthing's going to be okay Astrid" I said calmly as I kissed her on the lips

Gothi checked how far Astrid was and signaled her to push.

" ARRRRHGGGG!!" Astrid screamed as she gave a mighty push

" ARRRRGGGGGHHH!" She screamed again as she gave another push

" I see a head! I see a head!" Shouted my father, 

" I... I.. See.... A....Head..." said my father slowly in shock as he faints

" DAD!" I call

" Hiccup! I can't do it! I can't" Cried Astrid

I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes

" Yes you can Astrid, one more push and out son or daughter will enter this world, this one little push that you Astrid will make will bring our baby into this world" I said

" On the count to three Astrid?"

" Okay" She said as she panted

" One..."

" Two...."


Astrid faced turned bright red and she gave out her final push


Then for a second there was a silence until

" WAAH! WAHH!" were the cries from our baby.

I looked over and cut the umbilical cord as tears streamed down my face, I lifted our baby and wrapped it will a blanket that Astrid made.

" Its a girl Astrid" I cried with joy

" Its a girl!" I cried again

Then my father slowly opened his eyes and sat up, his eyes shot opened as he look his first look at his gran-daughter.

" May I son?" Asked my dad as he held out his arms

" Of course you may" I said before giving him my daughter to hold.

" She's beautiful isn't she Astrid?" I asked

But Astrid gave no reply

" Astrid? she's beautiful isn't she?" I said as I turned to Astrid

Astrid's eyes were closed and she wasn't moving

" Astrid!" I said as I shook her

" Astrid!" I cried

Just then Astrid's eyes slowly opened and she began to breath more

" Yes Hiccup, of course she beautiful, I'm her mum" She giggles

" Astrid I-I thought you were dead" I cried

" Hiccup I'm really tired, I'm sorry" She replied

" No I understand, please get some rest" I said before leaning over to kiss her long and passionately.

" We're parents Hiccup" She said

" Yep, yes we are" I smiled at her.

" What shall we call her?" Asked Astrid

" I've got a name" I said

" Well that was a fast thought" Astrid giggled

" Lets just say an old friend from my chief training helped me out with this one" I replied

' Thanks Thora' I say to myself

A couple of hours later Astrid had gained enough strengh to stand again, we made our way upstairs to the balcony of our bedroom.

Astrid and I walked outside the balcony and faced the hundreds of gathered villagers

 I stood forward holding my new daughter and and the villagers cheered with joy

" I welcome to this world a new member to the hooligan tribe and a new member to my family I welcome Amaya Horrendous Hofferson Haddock I" I called

P.S Amaya is the name of the girl who died in my area due to cancer a couple of weeks ago. I dedicate this new character to her. Rest in piece beautiful Amaya <3 xxxx 

please comment a <3 In memory of Amaya who sadly passed away a month ago in two days on the 4th of June 2014 

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