Chapter 3: Alvins Plan

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----Alivin's P.O.V----

' Right, is everyone clear with the plan?' I said as I began my evil laugh

' Yes sir, we are to capture this Astrid Hofferson in order to get 'The Dragon trainer' to train our dragons' said one of my men.

' yes... well what are you waiting for, ready the ships for our sail men!' I shouted

( The next day )

----Hiccups P.O.V----

Okay so today is Astrids birthday and her parents who moved from berk 6 years ago are coming for her 17th to celebrate, so I must make her party as special as possible. Astrids parents moved from berk and left Astrid behind as her uncle ( Gobber ) and her were very close and she didn't want to leave him. 

I suddenly hear a voice calling and notice its sounded very excited

' Hiccup! Hiccup!' shouted Astrid and she ran to me and gave me a quick kiss and a warm embrace

' wow! someones excited for their birthday' I said as i giggled

She looked at me and giggled ' Hiccup i don't care about my birthday... My parents are coming!'

' ha ha i know, bet your excited'

' Boat to the rear!' shouted my dad 

' THEY'RE HERE!' Astrid screamed and she yanked me by my arm down to the docks.

---- Astrids P.O.V ----

I looked at the boat and could see my parents, they looked so different and so happy to see me. But suddenly there was a loud SPLASH!! and my parents turned away and started panicking. Hiccup, stoick and I ran to the boat to see what was wrong. 

' Shes drowning!' my mum called and she pointed to the water which was bubbling

Who had fallen in?

My sudden instict was to jump in and save them.. but... well no one knows but I... I... I CAN'T SWIM -.-

I looked at Hiccup in concern and nudged him 

'Hiccup please help the person in the water I.. I errm feel dizzy so can't myself'

Hiccup looked at my in confusion and ran off the boat and dived into the water.

A few seconds later he popped up and pulled himself and a little girl out the water?

Hang on? a little girl? Who's she? The boatman's daughter maybe?

' Ow! Crystal! you silly girl! why would you jump in the water' My mum shouted and she embraced the wet and soggy little girl

' thank you Mr for saving me' said the little girl and she hugged hiccup and gave him an adorable smile

' no problem' replied Hiccup

'Im so confused right now who is crystal?' I said as i looked at the 5 year old in confusion

Crystall looked at me and smiled ' Are you Astrid' she said with a cute giggle

' I am, yes' :) 

She looked and me and for some reason screamed with joy, she ran as fast as light and gave me a huge hug and squealed.

' Hello big sister, its great to finally meet you, mummy and daddy have told me so much about you. I hope we can be very close' she said as my jaw dropped

' mum? dad? I have a sister?' I said as I looked over with joy

' yes' they said

I suddenly grabbed cystall and gave her an even bigger and looked over at Hiccup and smiled

' I'm a big sister Hiccup' I said

' and a great one you will be' he said as he kissed me on the cheek

My dad suddenly stepped forward and I placed my hand in front of him

' wow wow wow, dad this is Hiccup, my boyfriend'

Crystal giggle and my parents smiled with joy

' nice to meet you Hiccup' they said.

Today has been amazing so far, my parents have came back to berk and I have a little sister who's 5 years old named crystal. I can't wait for my party tonight, to spend it with them all. Best birthday every.

---- Alvin's P.O.V----

' Okay men, we will wait out of shore until tonight. Then we will attack and capture the Hofferson girl' I said as my men and I laughed in rage

( Later that night)

To be continued.... Poor Astrid she don't know whats she got coming, and what will Hiccup do? stay tuned as I update tomorrow night guys! <3 xxx

Sorry if there is any bag grammer or spelling, this was rushed as I only had half an hour as Ive got exam revision time-tables and only an hour break :) stay tuned

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