Chapter 1: The first date<3

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----- Hiccups P.O.V-----

Its been two years since I started my dragon academy and I think its safe to say that me and the defenders of berk ( Fishlegs, Snotlout, Astrid and the Twins and me) are officially professional dragon riders/trainers. Our mission of course now is to protect berk from any harm or disaster, and of course we will succeed in this mission.

I am now 17 years old and heir to becoming chief of my tribe. Ow and did I forget to mention Astrid and I are about to go on our first date. Yep you heard that right DATE. I am about to go on a date with the most prettiest, strongest and most outrages girl in the whole of Berk.

" Hiccup?" calls a familiar beautiful voice

"Coming!" I call as I open the door to Astrid who's blue eyes glisten in the moonlight and looked towards me with her golden locks swishing in her face.

"WOW!" was all I could say as I left my jaw locked down in a supirse to how beautiful she was.

" You look absolutely stunning Astrid!"

Her cheeks blushed and her face turned red and she brushed her fringe from her elegant face.

" You don't brush up to bad yourself" she said with a cheeky giggle.

-2 hours later-

Astrid and Hiccup rested beneath the starts and gazed after finishing their fish that they had caught.

" This date has been perfect Hiccup, thank you"

" Thank you Astrid for accompany me"

I leaned over toward my beautiful date and gave her a passionate kiss and to my surprise she kissed me back.

"Astrid?" I said


" Ever since I laid eyes on you I've loved you and for over 6 years I've wanted to say... Will you be my girlfriend?"

Her face lit up with surprise and her cheeks blushed again as she jumped in to give me a hug to say...

"Yes Hiccup, I will!"

we both smiled and parted from the hug to continue out passionate kiss. A perfect way to end a perfect date!

Hiccup&AstridМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя