Chapter 23: Getting rid of the curse

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---- Hiccup's P.O.V ----

Toothless and I have been flying around Berk for over 2 hours now and still no sign of Astrid, then I suddenly realize that Astrid and I are connected. Not just by our bound love for each other but by the powers I revived and passed on to her from toothless when she nearly died.

I use my thoughts and my mind to try and call out for her or to get any clue as to where she could be. I feel nothing but a cold wind gush by me.

" She's in trouble Bud, I can feel it" I mutter to toothless

" Keep trying Hiccup, try and connect to where she could be" said Toothless

I take a deep breath and close my eyes and begin to clench my fists trying to connect with Astrid. I feel a sudden tugging in the west direction and I heel toothless to go. I suddenly see an image through my mind of Astrid, Its blury but I can make it out.

" She by the River!" I call to toothless

moments later we arrive to find Gothi stood panicking, I jump of toothless and run over.

" Gothi wheres Astrid!" I shout

She looks at me in horror and points to the river with her shaking arm.

" no." I call out

I run towards the edge of the river and dive in, I swim deeper and notice Astrid struggling against the current. I dive down closer and she turns and notices me.

Her eyes shoot open and she pulls me in trying to call my name under water but all I hear is a gurgle. I smile and pull her in by her waist and plant a passionate kiss on her lips. I then pull her to the surface and and toothless helps us out onto the river bank.

" What were you thinking Astrid?" I ask as I pull her close to my chest

" I was thinking that like Gothi said, if I was to drink the water of moon pool over in that cave I'd remove the curse of our baby" She said as she begins to shiver.

I take a blanket from bad strapped to toothless and wrap her in it and hold her close in my arms.

" I thought I'd never see you again Hiccup" Said Astrid as a tear falls down her soft red cheeks

" I love you Astrid" I reply

A couple of moments later Astrid stands up and jumps on the back of toothless

" Well come on then, we've got a curse to remove" She said

I give out a giggle and jump on toothless in front of Astrid, before taking off I grab Astrid's hands and place them round my waist.

" Hold on, I don't want to lose you again" I say before toothless takes off and heads for the cave.

As we enter the cave Astrid falls to the ground and gives out a weep of pain

" ARHH" she screams

" PAIN, EVERYWHERE!" She continues

I run over and pick Astird and carry her in my arms over to the moon pool, wow its beautiful. A rounded pool with blue water glistening.

" Wow" Astrid says

I slowly step into the moon pool still holding Astrid in my arms and lay her on the surface of the water, I then slowly lift her up into a standing position and feed her the water in my hands. Astrid begins to glow and I look down to notice the glowing figure of our baby inside Astrids stomach.

" Beautiful, both of you" I say Astrid and I kiss in the heat of the moment

We then exist the moon pool and climb back on toothless hoping for the best results, as we exist the cave and land on the other side on the river we notice Gothi is missing.

" Gothi?!" I call

" where could she be i mean she-." I pause my sentence as I turn to find Astrid tied up

As run over a body stands in front of her and spreads his arms out. I freeze and slowly look up to realize that is it Alvin who stands before me.

" Alvin!" I sneer

" Ow hello young Hiccup, just in time for the final show" he giggles

" Final show?" I question

" Well considering you've cured the curse I guess I should go back to old tactics and just go in for the kill, any last words to your whore" he laughs

" You'd kill a pregnant girl?" I ask

" Yep, and I know i'll enjoy it" he replies

Alvin's men storm towards me and hold me tight

".. and the best part Hiccup, you get to watch it all happen right before your eyes"

Alvin walked towards Astrid and lifted her by her hair as she let our a scream

" LET HER GO!" I yelled

Alvin burst out a laugh and raised his sword ready to thrust into Astrid, Astrid's face was covered in fear, her eyes were streaming with tears and her body was shaking head to toe. she looked over towards me as I try with all my strengths to get free and she whispers " I love you Hiccup". She then closes her eyes and clenches her fists ready for the sword to hit.


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