Chapter 22: The River of fear

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---- Astrid's P.O.V ----

" I feel bad just leaving the village like that Gothi, and they're going to worry about where you are too" I said

" Astrid don't you worry about a thing, and me? I live at the top of a hill, no one is going to notice that I'm gone" She replied.

" So why are we actually here then?" I asked

We were just off the out line of Berk and we had just arrived a river, even looking at it sent a shiver down my spine.


" Hiccup where are we going?" I asked

" Can I not take my girlfriend on a surprise trip now?" He giggled

finally he took the blindfold off my eyes and I was covered in clouds, the clouds finally moved swiftly away and I looked to find myself on the back of toothless  above this beautiful river.

" wow, the river looks so beautiful from up here Hiccup" I said

" Yeah I know, imagine how it looks when your in it?" he said sarcastically

" Huh?" I muttered

" Now bud!" said Hiccup

" What better way then to actually get into the river then to dive into in when you high in the sky" he said before toothless flipped us off his back leaving us falling down on our way into the river.

--- Hiccup's P.O.V ----

Just moments before we hit the water I notice Astrid beginning to panic, he eyes are fully open and her face is full of fear.

" Astrid it will be fine we're falling into water not the ground" I said

" HICCUP! I CAN'T SWIM!" she cries in fear before we plunge into the water.

I swim to the surface in a panic and look around for Astrid, I see her as I turn flapping and screaming for help.

" HICCUP!" she cried

I swim over as fast as I can and grab her tight

" Its okay I'm here" I say as I  pull her to the side of the river, I pull her out and hold her in my arms for a couple of seconds.

" Why didn't you tell me Astrid?" I asked

" I've never told anyone Hiccup, and you better not too" she demanded

Hiccup looked at me in concern " Is that why you didn't save Crystall when she was drowning" I asked

" Yes Hiccup now please, can we drop it?" She said before resting her head on my shoulder


---- Astrid's P.O.V ----

As we walked closer to the river I began to panic, Hiccup wasn't here and I'm not sure how Gothi could be a strong swimmer.

" So what now?" I asked

" You need to get into the river Astrid and swim into that cave over there where you will find a small moon pool, you will need to drink the water from there and then your curse will be removed" She said as she pointed to the other side of the river

" What just like that? That's all I have to do and then It's gone" I asked

" Astrid that water is purified, so it will kill off any curse you have, only I and you now know of this" Said Gothi

" But Gothi I can't swim" I said

" Astrid! If you want to survive then you will have to try" She said

" I cannot offer you anything else" She continued

I breathed in heavily through my nose and slowly exhaled before sitting at the side of the river, I dipped my foot into the water and began to shake. What If I drown? Hiccup's not here to save me.. No one is.. No offence to Gothi that is.

I take my last breath and lean and plunge into the water...

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