"Beth..." Luke groaned, falling back onto the bed and closing his eyes. I laughed, giving up on my teasing and pressed a kiss to his cheek as I tackled him on the bed, straddling his waist.

"I'm just messing with you, you big idiot. How could I ever forget? Your birthday was one of the first things you made sure to drill into my head." I reminded him, nuzzling my nose against his. "Happy birthday, Luke." I finally said, leaning down to give him his birthday kiss.

I pulled away, and he opened his eyes giving me a small pout.

"Is that all I'm going to get today?" He asked, leaning up to kiss me again. I pulled away, giving him a pointed look.

"I'm not going to frick frack with a ghost, Hemmings."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Frick frack? Fabulous choice of words, babe, really. And I'm not a ghost, remember?"

I rolled my eyes. "Technicalities."

He leaned up on his elbows, flipping us over so that now I was under him.

"I was just talking about a little making out, you're the one who took it to another level, baby." He winked at me, leaving his head down as he pressed his lips to mine. I mentally rolled my eyes, but gave into him.

"Why do I even put up with you anymore?" I joked, tilting my head to the side as he started to kiss down my neck.

"Same reason I still put up with you." He breathed, pressing a kiss right beneath my jaw.

And then suddenly everything felt... lighter. I opened my eyes realizing that Luke was no longer on top of me, nor was he anywhere in my room.

"Luke?" I called out, frantically looking around my room. "This really isn't the time to be playing hide and go seek." I tried to joke but a nervous feeling was starting to bubble inside of me as I noticed he wasn't replying.

He disappeared.

But somehow I knew that this time, it wasn't by his own choice.


I felt stiff. I felt cold. I felt that if I moved, my body might break like I was a fragile ice sculpture.
My eyes were closed but I could sense the room was bright, or perhaps there was just a single light right above me. I felt my senses slowly coming back, my skin felt as if it was thawing out. I could move the tips of my toes but even that took quite a bit of strength.

Then came the smell. It wasn't a warm, household type smell but rather like a hospital. There was a mix of chemicals wafting in the room combined with the scent of sanitation products.

And then I heard the beep. It was a constant, rhythmic beating that seemed to be interrupted by another sound foreign to its own.

That's when I realized the other sound was voices. They sounded distorted at first but the longer I tried to focus on them rather than the extreme dizziness I felt in my head, the clearer their voices became.

"The anesthesia wore off! Where are the rest of the vials?" One voice panicked, his voice loud as if he were standing next to me.

"We ran out." The other voice informed, sounding distant.

"Shít." The one near me grumbled.

The curiosity was aching as I felt the strong urge to identify these people; it was overcoming me. These were my kidnappers. These were the people keeping me hostage. I attempted to open my eyes, wincing as the bright light hit my pupils. My vision was blurry, caked with sleep. It was no surprise to me, my physical body hasn't used its sense of vision in so long. I craned my head toward the sound of the two men, only seeing their silhouettes.

I opened my mouth, making a notion to talk, but my throat stopped me as it throbbed in pain from being so hoarse. But I had to try.

"H-he-" I tried to stutter out, only getting it to a whisper. However, apparently that was enough.

"Not today." One of the men's voice spoke before I felt a sharp pain reverberated in my head.

Then it was all black again.


I feel like I could have written this better I'm sorry.

But in other news, IT'S LUKE'S BIRTHDAY!! Yes I'm sad. But I thought I should at least give you guys an update.
Sorry it was a wee bit short but I've been updating on mobile for the past month and writing 3k word chapters get to be kind of difficult.

I miss your comments, so please comment and vote! Thank you :)


P.s. I posted a Michael fic for you guys, it's a short story so it's going to end around chapter 10. It would mean a lot to me if you checked it out, thank you! It's called The Virginity Pact.

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