Chapter 46: Him

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I feel a sweeping sense of pride coming over me.  The Falcon is gone.  That pathetic ship that my...father, once flew is no more.  Rey is here, the final phase of my vision is in motion.

We walk down the hall towards the throne room.  I can feel her but I will not allow her to feel me no matter how hard the bond pushes against the walls.  We approach the doors and a Praetorian guard stands at attention granting us access into the throne room.

I see him sitting there in my throne. I kneel before the throne and force Rey down on her knees before him.

She does not resist the shove down and her emotions are steady.  She feels it. The ancient evil before her.

My master rises from the chair and steadily walks over to Rey.  His black cloak trails on the floor.  He aims his head down and stares at her with his piercing red eyes. 

"Rey, I have heard so much about you," He hisses "He has told me so much about you."

She says nothing.

"I sense such power in you.  Such...balance," he says tilting his head.

He reaches his hand out and wills her blade to her.  With his right hand raising near his head he inspects her self-made dual blade. 

"Such craft.  I recognize this blade," he hisses. "Ah, it is the one, Skywalker's blade," he says.

Rey's eyes open wider, she says nothing.

With a flick of his wrist, he throws her double blade down before her feet.  She doesn't move.

He walks directly to Rey and towers over her.  Rey's eyes do not move from his, and they follow him down as he crouches in front of her. 

I see what her mind is revealing it to me; she has seen the true balance from the force. I see the dance between the light and dark and the balance of the gray.  She shows me an image of us on the beach. Grabbing her swollen belly as we watch the rising sun---I feel her force bond touching mine. Her energy is surrounding my body. Shivers run up my spine from her touch.

Rey has an image in her mind of something I have never seen before. 

"How interesting.  You have seen the Heart of the Guardian. Where!" he demands as my master scans her mind. 

His voice jolts me from my trance and I gently shake my head refocusing my stare.

She slowly blinks "The Valley of the Jedi," she says bluntly. She knows exactly what she is doing showing him that. 

"It came to you didn't it?" he asks.

"Yes," she responds shortly.

"Perfect. Then you can lead me back to it," he says.

"The heart only appears at a time of great turmoil, to bring balance and salvation back to the galaxy," she says haughtily. 

"That heart belongs to the Sith," he says to her. 

"I don't know about that," she says back to him.

He smirks "You are a feisty one aren't you, Rey?" he sneers.

He turns to look at me.  

"My young apprentice finds your existence in this story necessary, so I will not kill you, yet," He says turning back to face Rey.

"Through your power, the dark side of the force will gain victory over this pathetic rebellion.  And you will lead us to the Valley of the Jedi... That is unless you oppose..." he says menacingly.

She says nothing.

"Good," he says. "Take her to the Supremacy! We are going to end this once and for all!" he says turning around and walking away.

I stand to attention while Rey stays kneeling.  I feel such resolve in her. I grab her arm and pull her up and direct her to our shuttle.

We walk out of the doors followed by Praetorian guards and maneuver through the base to my private hangar.  Strolling through the doors, we arrive at the foot of the Theta-class T-2c shuttle. 

"There is no going back now, Rey," I tell her, pushing her up ahead of me on the ramp. 

She won't look at me.

The Praetorian guards follow behind us inside the ship and the pilot closes the door

She takes her seat in a nearby chair and fastens her harness.  The praetorian guards stand in their guard slots and I take a seat in my emperor's chair.  The shuttle's engines turn on and the ship begins its hover out of the hangar door. 

The shuttle's engine speeds, and we begin our ascent into the atmosphere to board the Supremacy.

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