Chapter 39: Rage

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I feel like someone has landed a punch against my chest.  "The bond, it's moving again," I tell myself.

I stand up from my throne as my Knights jolt up from their chairs with my sudden movement.

The connection begins flooding back to me.  I can feel her emotions and her thoughts again.  I am slowly becoming intoxicated from her presence.

"How has she evaded me for this long  Where has she been?" I question myself. 

I begin walking down the throne steps---I can sense the confusion in my knights as they are curious at this force awakening.

My Knights gather around me waiting for my command, they stand at attention.

I focus on her thoughts "our target has just arrived at the moon planet Endor.  Instruct General Hux to direct the fleet there now.  They won't be expecting us," I say.

They all nod and follow my orders. Once they leave the throne room I take my seat and begin reaching out to her.

"I'm coming for you Rey, you won't escape this time," I sneer out loud as rage burns inside of me.

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