Chapter 28: Vardos

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We have departed in my shuttle for the planet Vardos.  Inside the ship, she makes glances at me with reluctance; I reach out to her and sense her confusion after the vision she saw.  Something she saw last night is pulling her from me. I don't want to press the issue and make the situation worse, so I sit calmly waiting for our landing.

We enter the atmosphere above the capital Kestro and our ship ports at The Hub.  I feel the shuttle stop and hear the door opening. I walk over to Rey in her seat, she looks up at me with uncertainty.  She hates the mask I wear, if only she understood the reasoning behind it.

"We have arrived. This way," I say to her gently, touching her back and guiding her the way.

She stands up and walks behind me.  We leave the ramp and walk off the landing pad.  Stormtroopers and First Order soldiers are busy afoot running around for their various duties.  The city is large and advanced, fully loyal to the First Order. 

We walk across the bridge that leads to a giant blast door on the outside. Once we walk through I am saluted by all members.  I can feel Rey's reaction; she follows close to me. 

We lead towards a large clear elevator in the center of the tower.  I walk inside and I see her look up at me as she follows and stands next to me.  The door closes.

"Are you alright?" I ask in a low voice

"Yes," she says, without looking at me. 

"I'm glad," I respond back trying to reassure her. 

The elevator lands, and we arrive at the top floor of the tower.  We exit the elevator and walk towards these large, gold engraved doors at the end of the way.  I turn the handle and walk inside closing it behind us. 

The room is enormous, filled with every luxury you can imagine. I sense her wonder at the sight. 

I turn to her. "This is our room," I say. 

"Make yourself comfortable, we are going to be here for quite a while," I say taking off my helmet.

I walk over to her and grab her arm while my mask hangs on the other hand and gently lay a kiss on her forehead. She allows my energy to rush over her. I can feel the electricity sparking between our touch. 

"I have urgent matters that need my attention," I say gently pressing my lips against hers. 

Intoxication from her lips clouds my thoughts. I pull her closer to me and embrace in a passionate kiss. I can feel her receiving me, she allows me to continue.  Her desire for me is rising with each passing second.  It takes everything in me to pull away and not conquer her right here on the floor.

"I'll come back, sweetheart.  I promise," I say pulling from her lips and kissing her forehead. 

She seems unsteady.  I sense a growing feeling of déjà vu. I don't understand what is going on in her mind. I see images and hear voices but none of it makes any sense to me.

"I'll be here, waiting for you," she says tenderly. 

I smile at her and turn back to walk out of the door putting my helmet back on; leaving her in the center of the room.

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