Chapter 26: Dreams

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"Where am I?" I say aloud.

I look at my surroundings---I am on an island. 

"Is this...this is the place I saw in Rey's mind in the interrogation room?" I think to myself.

I look up and down the shore, she is nowhere to be found.  I start walking down the shore and I see a small smoke trail in the air. Pursuing the possible clue, maybe Rey will be there.  I trek up the path on the rocky hill. The path turns around a corner and I see up ahead a large tree.  The tree looks dead, yet, is calling my name. I pick up my pace. I notice there is an opening as I get closer I see Rey inside facing away. 

Running towards her, my heart races.  Once I am at the entrance I stand behind her. Wanting to grab her shoulder but hesitate. I don't want to startle her. 

"What is she looking at?" I ask myself.

I creep to the side of her, I am right next to her, and she does not see me but I know she senses me.

"Rey?" I say.

She doesn't hear me. She is staring ahead at a small girl inside the tree.  The little girl touching and running her hands over the tree walking to a shelf with books on them. Rey doesn't grab the books but instead, runs her hands over the spines.   As she starts running out the tree, I notice three small buns tied in her hair. 

"This is you," I tell myself looking at Rey.  

Rey's face is frozen on the little girl, she doesn't blink.

I put my hands on her arms trying to shake her awake. She doesn't budge. I get in front of her face and shake her making her look at me.

"Rey!" I scream.

Rey screams at me in fear her eyes fade into despair. She starts backing away from me in a hurry.

"Rey what is wrong!" I yell.

She reaches her arm behind her as she paces backward. She trips and falls to the ground. I try to reach for her, but she moves her hands over her face; shielding herself as if I am going to strike her. 

"What is happening!" I scream "Rey, come back to me!" I yell at her.

"You're a monster Kylo Ren!" she screams as she moves her hands away from her face, glaring at me in hatred.

The landscape around me starts crashing down, and I am in, what looks like, a First Order throne room. I look frantically ahead of me.  She is standing before me with a double-bladed light saber, one green, and one blue. The hilt looks to be constructed from her staff.  Her face looking through me with such anger. I sense someone behind me. I turn my head around and see a man standing a ways away, covered in a black cloak.  I sense pure evil in him... he is an ancient Sith Master. Turning back to Rey, she disappeared. 

I gasp raising my body up to a seated position. I look around the room and try to make sense of the vision I just saw. 

"Rey!" I yell out looking around the room in a panic.

"Rey!" I scream, still no answer. I reach through to her with the force. She is in my room, afraid.  I jump out of bed, she is across the room sitting against the wall in the dark.

"Why!" she screams at me with tears rolling down her eyes. "Why!" She yells at me.

I approach her sitting on the floor slowly and lower myself down to her. She shoves me away from her.

"Rey, I don't know what just happened?" I say grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to my chest. "I'm here, it's me. Do not be afraid," I finish. 

She is sobbing. Panic running through my mind at the thought of losing her again. 

Rey allows me to sit near her and I wrap my arms around her to tightly secure her to my chest. I rest my head on the top of her head as we sit there on the floor. She is crying harder now, but she is gradually coming back to me. 

"What did she see me do? Was it something from my past? Or is this something that has yet to be," I question myself.

I won't let go of her. I need her to know I am not going anywhere.  I sense great fear and conflict rising again in her but it's different this time; it's the fear of loss.  She is trying to block me but can't; our bond is too tightly connected now.  She cannot escape us... 

After some time, I pick her up bridal style and carry her back to the bed. She wraps her arms around my neck.  I lay her on the bed and lay down next to her. She is facing away from me as I pull my body to mirror hers. My left arm is under her head and I take my right arm and secure her back to my chest. As she sobs I gently kiss the back of her neck and shoulder blades. I run my lips over her trying in vain to absorb her sadness.  

"I am not going anywhere Rey," I whisper to her. 

"I am sorry, I do not know what you saw.  It is just a dream," I try reassuring her but I know it is pointless. That was not a dream we just had; it was a vision.

She stops crying and wipes the tears from her face placing her right hand on my arm under her head. I squeeze her tighter.  I don't ask her what she saw but go through her mind to see what she is afraid of. I reach the thought she is trying to hide from me and I see it clearly.

She is afraid of me.

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