Chapter 9: The Dyad

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I turn from the direction that Kylo Ren was standing and continue on the western path.  The light is fading from the sky as late afternoon turns to dusk. 

I can see up ahead, lit by the sunset in the sky, the Nui Ocean.  It is so beautiful to see, even from this distance. A combination of deep blue and white rolling against the shore. I keep on the path until I can fully see the rocky beach before me. 

Reaching the rocky shore, I look down the coastline and see a small, dimly lit cabin upon a hill. I head in that direction, unsure of what I will encounter. I have my staff ready for any possible danger. 

Reaching the entrance to the shack, checking my surroundings to see if anything is trying to catch me off guard. I come to the small shack's door and hesitantly knock.  

"Gukseon?" I say loudly.

I knock a little harder. 

"Gukseon, my name is Rey. General Organa and King Satana sent me," I plead. 

There was no answer. I continue knocking for a short time but still, no one answers. 

I turn around facing the ocean, unsure of what my next move will be. If my time with Master Skywalker taught me anything, its old men are stubborn individuals.

I turn back to the door and attempt to gingerly turn the knob; opening the door. I peek over the door frame and see inside the shack.  His shack is simple in design, small but cozy.  I see across the room an old man, he has a shaggy beard and tattered brown clothing without shoes.  His face is covered in wrinkles and is sitting in a meditative position on a blue mat. Hanging above his head are stone trinkets; all different shapes and colors.   

I approach with caution and crouch down onto my knees. 

"Gukseon?  My name is Rey... I am...," I say.

"I know who you are, girl!" Gukseon interrupts. 

I jump back slightly, unprepared from his response, his voice is hoarse, and he speaks with a slight accent. 

"You do?" I question, inching closer to him.

"Yes, you announced your name before rudely entering my house uninvited," Gukseon responds.

"Ah, yes, sorry...about... that. I am running out of time and need your counsel. There...," I say.

"Let me guess, you are in peril and somehow this old man is the only one who can help in this entire galaxy," He interrupts. 

"Yes... The Resistance is seeking shelter here after our forces were nearly wiped out by the First Order. Kylo Ren is now the Supreme Leader, and he will stop at nothing until he finds us and...," I am interrupted.

"And you need me for what exactly? To fight them? Get to the point girl! I am old and do not have time for such folly," he interrupts.

"Can you help me shut him out?" I ask.

"Shut who out?" he responds.

"Kylo Ren, you see, we have a connection where we see one another through the force. It's not consistent but sporadic and uncontrolled. I do not want him to find out where we are. I was unable to complete my training with Master Skywalker.  Leia said you were a leader in the Jedi Church at one time. Can you please help me?" I beg.

The old man said nothing and stood at me deeply in his meditation pose. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head slightly.

"You are being connected by the force?" He asks interested.  Taking his right hand and running it through his knotted beard.

"Yes, it has been happening for weeks now...," I respond.

"How very interesting that is," he interrupts with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I have only heard of this type of connection happening a handful of times throughout history," He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask sternly.

"Once in a while, a person who fights for light encounters a person who fights for the dark side of the force.  And, inside, those people are the inverse of their allegiance.  Meaning, one who fights light, has great darkness inside and the same goes for the other person," he says rubbing his beard.

I stare at him confused.

"Are you saying, that I have darkness inside of me?" I ask.

He says nothing but stares at me with great interest.  

Leaning in towards me he says "I am saying that you are one half of a piece and this Kylo Ren is the other half. Two pieces, light and dark, making one full circle. You are his other half.  He is as much a part of you as you are to yourself." 

"Does this mean that I will be consumed by the dark side?" I ask sternly, remembering Kylo Ren's words to me.

"This means the two of you make up something that is very rare and valuable...," he continues.

I stare waiting for him to finish his thoughts.

"You two are the pieces of the balance," He finishes.

"The balance?" I question.

He nods.  "True balance needs two sides.  You cannot have one without the other and one cannot be 100 percent light or dark. No! It is impossible! It is a dance between the two.  When the two pieces are truly connected, great power is obtained. You two can manipulate the force together in ways no other Jedi or Sith can alone.  You two are wounds within the force and this will only get stronger--you are a Dyad. Now, what do you want from me?"  He says. 

"How do I stop it? I don't' want to see him. If he finds us, he will destroy what is left of us and there will be no one to stand against their tyranny.  I have to be able to control him coming in and out.  I have to end this," I plead.

He continues to stare at me and finally adjusts his seating, coming closer to me.

"Girl named Rey, you cannot stop this even if you try.  The force connects the two of you when one needs something from the other; no matter how hard you try or how hard you block him in your mind, you will always crave something from him and vice versa.  The more you try to avoid this, the stronger the bond becomes.  The Force wants you two connected and will relentlessly push you two together.  You cannot escape him," he says.

I sit back hard against my feet on the floor and sigh.  My hands fall limp in my lap.

"Why did I ever leave Jakku?" I said out loud.

"Jakku? Now that is a planet's name I haven't heard in quite a long time..." he says looking at me with intrigue. 

I look up at him.

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