Chapter 8: Preparation

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As the force connection ends I can feel the anger rising in my body. 

"She denied me for the last time!" I scream.

I will my lightsaber to my hand. With a flick of my thumb, the sword activates, unleashing the red blade from the grip.  With aggressive swings, I thrash at all the pieces of the training room. Slicing sparing droids in half and scaring the walls.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I scream into the empty training room, deactivating my sword.

With great perturbation, I storm out of the room and head to the bridge to engage General Hux.  Passing by Stormtroopers and First Order personnel who shiver in fear at my site; I reach the main elevator.  The three technicians inside hurry out at the level I am leaving. 

As the elevator closes I feel rage boiling. The door opens at the command center on the top of the ship. I walk out with aggravated steps.

"Hux!" I demand.

The red-headed General stops his conversation and turns in my direction.

"Supreme Leader, what do I owe this pleasure?" He snips.

"Where are we on time?" I demanded.

"With your request to speed up repairs we are within a day of finishing. Our replacement forces from Vardos have arrived.  We shall be ready for the chase by tomorrow evening." He says proudly. 

"Good. Any word on the Rebel survivors?" I demand.

"We have not received any intelligence on their whereabouts, sir.  We do have a large reward for any information about them," he says.

"Double it! I want an indication of their location by tomorrow's time.  Also, send out this message. Anyone harboring those criminals of the state will suffer dire consequences for sheltering them." I say.

"As you wish Supreme Leader" Hux replies crudely. 

"Ready my Knights in the war room" I reply.

Hux looks at me quizzically. 

"Of course, right away sir," Hux spats.

As I exit the bridge I head back down to my quarters.  Walking down the hall to my door I use the force to open it.  Inside I walk again to the center of the room where a table holds my grandfather's mask.

I sit down on the chair next to the table. I release a large sigh. Staring at the charred remains for some time.  

"Grandfather, please I am in need of your guidance. Please, show me the true power of the dark side once more." I pray.


I stare at Vader's mask in anguish.  He hasn't come to me since I  joined Snoke. Standing up from my chair---I put my hands over the back of my helmet and scream out.

In between breaths, I say "The girl thinks me a monster...then I shall become that monster." I look ahead and start walking to the door.

I exit my quarters and head down the hallway towards the elevator pushing past workers and soldiers.  I enter the elevator and the doors close behind.  After pushing the button I am caught in a trance.

Rey, she was standing facing me fearlessly in handcuffs. Her voice... "I can help you." Echoes in my mind.  Her voice is intoxicating.  I crave for her to look at me the same way once again. She saw past everything I have done. My trance is broken when the elevator reaches my level.  I exit the elevator I see the War Room straight ahead down the hallway. 

As I walk inside, I look around the table, my six loyal mask-clad knights waiting for me. All of them stand upon my arrival in the room.  As I walked to my chair at the head of the table the knights take their seats. 

"Gentlemen. We have a new task at hand," I say.

The knights turned their heads eagerly waiting for more information. 

"The Rebel fighters are hiding a dangerous weapon, but this is no ordinary weapon.  She is a scavenger girl and very strong in the force. We need her to secure our rule in the universe.  She is too valuable for us to not have control of her.  We have no intel on her whereabouts yet. However, when we do, all of us will land to apprehend her." I state.

The men didn't move. I could sense their excitement at the idea of the hunt. 

"Under no circumstance are you to kill her. If she does not comply, I will be the one to do so. Understood?" I say.

All six knights nodded their heads in agreement. 

"Be ready moment's notice for departure!" I say standing up to leave.

As I walk out of the room I begin thinking about finding Rey.  Even with her strength equal to my own, she will be nothing against myself and the Knights of Ren.  She will be forced to surrender to the First Order.

I smirk in my helmet at the thought as I exit the room. 

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