Chapter 38: Return Voyage

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"Let's head back," I tell Chewie as he growls with approval. 

I take the beacon and pull off my wrist. In the pilot's chair, I eject the chip with the Valley of the Jedi coordinates and hand it to BB8.

"Can you keep this safe for me?" I ask him.

He beeps to me in assurance as he places it inside his compartment. 

I turn back around to the control panel and take out the chip of the beacon, pushing it into the navigation system.  I never noticed but the blinking glowing light from the beacon is frozen.  It hasn't blinked once since we arrived at the planet. 

"We are coming back Finn.  I hope this still works," I say aloud, a smile spreads across my face.

We flip the switch and the Falcon turns on.  With the touch of a few more buttons, our ship begins rising off the ground and climbs through the atmosphere. 

We break through the upper atmosphere and approach the asteroid belt. Just as before, the view around us starts to slow.  We glide our way through patiently, this time, we know it will end...eventually. Asteroids bounce off our front and with a tight break; we push through to the other side. 

"Ready?" I ask Chewie.

He nods.

I hit the light speed button, and we begin our voyage back to the Resistance. 

Some time passes us, and we end hyperspace at a small moon planet. 

Chewie roars in excitement.

I turn to him "Have you been here before?" I ask quizzically.

He yells very loud.

We approach the small blue-green moon planet.  

"Endor huh?" I say aloud.

The Falcon glides down and approaches the Rebel base. Our ship lands and I flip the switch to open the door. Walking through the cabin, I grab my new duel light saber in the main hold and BB8, R2, and Chewie follow me out the door.  

I step onto the landing bay and look around.  The bunker base looks as though it had recently seen a battle.  Resistance members are repairing and regrouping, they stop what they are doing once they see me emerge from the Falcon.  I turn around and see a tall-dark man walking towards me.

"Finn?" I question aloud.

His hair is longer and is wearing general clothing.  This Finn-like figure walks slowly to me, unsure of my intentions.

"Finn!" I yell, running to him.

I stop once I am facing him because his face has been struck with bewilderment; he doesn't move.

"Finn, you are not going to believe what happened. I...," I trail off.

His face has a small scar on his cheek, and he looks like he had not slept well the previous nights. I sense a great confusion within him.

"Finn? How is your hair so long?" I ask him.

"Rey...," he looks at me as if I am a ghost. "I thought you were dead..." 

"Dead? Finn, I have been gone two weeks," I reply.

His face is frozen, " have been gone for over five years..." he says slowly unmoving from my stare.

"Are you alright?" I ask him.

"Rey...where have you been?" he asks tears welling in his eyes.

"I was at the Valley of the Jedi... I can assure you I was only gone for two weeks at best..." I stare at him concerned. Then I hear Chewie scream in agreement.

I look behind him as more Rebels emerge from the base.  I see Poe in the distance. He starts running at me.  I can barely brace for tight embrace he gives me.  He looks the same physically but his eyes tell me of great suffering. 

"Rey!" he starts crying.

"What is going on here, I don't understand..." My heart begins racing.

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