Chapter 36: The Dance

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Electricity courses through my veins.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I scream opening my eyes and seeing white void.

"Rey," I hear a voice say my name.

I turn around and see five masked creatures in black floating now in front of me.

"Who are you!" I question.

"We are the Priestesses of the Force, and we have been waiting for you for quite some time," The one in front says.  Her mask shows a stone face. 

"What do you mean? I don't understand," I respond back.

"The events of time have all lead to this point," One with a sad face responds to me.

"Are you the ones to show me my purpose in all this?" I ask pleadingly.

"Young Rey, give me your hand," the one laughing asks me.

Without hesitation, I reach out and touch the creatures hand. Suddenly, the white room fades.

I see it, the past, the present, and the future. The energy that binds all life together is before me unveiling its secrets.

History is unfolding. I see them, the first wielders of the force.  The ones who discovered how to harness the power.  This species sent out the gift into the galaxy.  Select beings from different planets acquired this gift sent to them.  This gift has been taken advantage of by both sides.  I see history unraveling in front of me.  The good, the bad has all lead up to this point.  The species that discovered how to use the force knew it would play out like this.  They knew all the death, destruction and peace would play out the way it did.  They knew it would all lead up to this point in time with me being on this planet.  

"What are they expecting of me!" I scream in my head. 

I see the Jedi.  Their blanket of white pure light hides a pulse of dark evil.  That pulse allows them to justify killing those who oppose their order and pursue their vanity.  I see the Sith, covered in a blanket of black evil light but inside a pure white pulse that allows them to love and feel with great passion. 

There truly is no dark side or light side, there is only the force. There is no good without evil but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace. There is serenity, yet emotion. Chaos, yet order. I am the wielder of the flame, protector of the balance. I am the holder of the torch lighting the way.  I am the keeper of the flame, a soldier of balance. 

A red string floats before me connecting light and dark.

Ben...he's right in front of me.  

"Ben!" I call him but he doesn't hear me. 

He's kneeling before something.  Evil...

"Ben no!" I scream louder to him.

I see the flicker of light fading inside his black force energy.  He slowly rises from his kneeling position and places his helmet over his head---I can't feel him through the bond.

"No!" I scream, tears unable to fall from me.

I see the Resistance and the First Order fighting horrific battles in air, land, and sea. Death, from both sides, floods over me and I begin spinning.  Time speeds up, I see battle after battle occurring; both gaining victories and crushing in defeat only to rising to fight one another again... Time is spinning past me. 

"Have these events already happened? Or can they be prevented? Is it too late?" I ask the beings in front of me.

I see shores, golden shores with a powerful rising sun---I'm standing, leaning against him, Ben. He has an arm wrapped around my chest and the other places his palm on my swollen belly.  As we look across the waves into the sunrise.

I gasp.

I see the universe and all the contents.  

The pain! My power is being stretched and broken and melted back together. I feel the dark energy climbing inside of me and the light rising to meet it.  The clash creates a dance around me. I feel my power growing.  

Knowing what I have to do. Everything must end---I know my purpose

I see it lie before me! The answer to the great question...

...the balance...

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