Chapter 34: Nagai

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My ship breaks from light speed and I see the planet Nagai up ahead.  Hope is kindled in my heart, seeing that blue and green planet.  I flip a few overhead switches attempting to contact the Resistance at the base.

"Hello, this is Rey from the resistance, do you copy?" I say over the headset.

Slight static can be heard over the intercom. 

"This is Rey from the resistance, do you copy?" I say one more time.

"Rey!" A familiar voice yells on the other side.

"Poe!" I say with relief.

"I am so glad to hear your voice Rey, you are cleared for landing," he responds.

My ship begins its descendant on the planet; once I break the atmosphere, I can see the capital below me.  The ship begins slowing as I approach the landing bay, with a jolt, the ship is parked and disengaged. I grab the beacon and my light saber from the First Order ship. Throwing off the headset, I press the door release button. 

I run down the ramp and see the survivors up ahead.  Finn is sprinting in my direction, I start running at him and once we meet we lock in a tight hug.  His soft voice soothes me. 

"Rey, I was so worried about you. I feared you were dead," he tells me.  He pulls me away from him as tears run down my cheek. 

"I am so glad you are back, there is so much to tell you...nice hair," He tells me as his hand tightly grabs my shoulder. 

I completely forgot my hair is still style from the party.

"It's a long story," I jokingly reply, forcing a smile on my face.

We start walking across the landing bay and into the War Room temple.  As I walk in, I look around the room, even fewer of us are left.  King Satana is standing once again in the front facing everyone.  

"Rey, I am so pleased to see you are alive and well," He says with a slight smile. 

"I am happy to be back, but we don't have long. They know I am gone, it will only be a matter of time until they track me back here," I say to King Satana.

"I know, which is why we will evacuate the base immediately.  We will seek shelter with our neighboring allies in another system." He says to the room.  

He looks back my way "the final distress signal Leia sent on Crait has been answered.  The last alliance for the free republic will stand and fight against First Order," he says.

The room begins to liven with his words.

"Please begin evacuation. Our allies cruisers will be here by daybreak" He says as he starts leaving the room as an alarm sounds throughout the base. 

My mind stills as the room breaks into action; all sound fades.  A familiar voice echoes in my head.

"Gukseon...," It says in a low whisper.

I shake my head, jolting out of the trance. I stand up fast and find Finn exiting the door. 

Running over to him, "Finn, there is something I must do---I cannot go with you...," I tell him.

"Rey, no! What are you talking about? We need you, you have to come with us.  The survival of the Resistance depends on you," he tells me, fear swells in his eyes.

"I know, which is why I can't follow...something is calling me.  I have to go," I tell him.

I pull him into a tight embrace.  "I will come back, I promise.  Keep the beacon lit for my return.  This may be our only hope to win," I finish. 

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