Chapter 15: A New Leader

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I stand in the War Room alone now. All personnel left for their stations and are preparing for the impending battle.

"What will he do now?" I ask myself turning around to exit the War Room thinking about the intimate encounter.

I make my way off the War Room Temple's steps and onto the landing bay.  As I jog back to the main ship hangar, I see all fighters rushing around readying themselves for an imminent attack.  I reach the ship hangar and stop at the entrance.  Scanning the room in hopes to see Finn, I instead see Chewbacca headed my way. 

He greets me with a howl at the entrance.

"Yes, it's good to see you too," I respond back with a smile. 

He makes some sounds in response.

"I am not sure if I found what I am looking for yet," I reply.

He looks at me and leans his head to the left.

"I'll be alright, I promise," I tell him back. 

I see an N'Gai soldier rushing over to me; the man approaches and gently bows his head. He looks up with a reserved face and says "Jedi Rey, your presence is requested by King Satana in the control tower," he says.

"Of course," I respond, intrigued by the name Jedi Rey

"Thank you, right this way, please," he leads with his right hand back outside for me to follow. 

"I'll see you soon," I reassure Chewbacca.

He leans down and gives me a hug.

"Don't worry, I'll be ok, I promise," I say smiling at him.

He nods and makes response sounds back looking at me with concerned eyes.

The soldier leads me to the control tower at the end of the base.  In front of the tower, there is a large door, he opens it for me, and we walk right into an elevator. The elevator takes us to the top and opens up to a large room.  The soldiers are calm and organized, everyone is performing their tasks and gaining what looks like intelligence on advancing enemy forces.  I walk inside and see King  Satana talking to his legion commanders. He senses my arrival and turns away from his men to approach me. 

"Jedi Rey," He says.

"Yes, King Satana," I respond.  I am not sure if I can get used to the name Jedi Rey.

His face is unwaveringly calm. "Our scanners reveal that the enemy will be attacking by shore from the Nui Ocean. I request that you arrive at the shores immediately with the first of our legions," He says sternly.

"Of course" I reply. 

"With the passing of General Organa, they will need a new leader on the front lines," he says, as a small smile comes on his face.

I nod my head.  Sadness washes over me when he spoke her name.

"Commander Aiak will lead you to the combat speeders and you will dispatch to the shores immediately.  Our pilots will give you cover as you make your way there, may the force be with you, Rey," he says bowing to me. 

A man dressed in dark blue armor approaches me "Right this way, Jedi Rey," he says.

I turn to follow the man back to the elevator.  Once the elevator reaches the bottom we walk across the landing bay to a small building beside the ship hangar.   Inside I see a number of people waiting for their command next to over 20 combat speeders.  Commander Aiak leads me to the front speeder with another N'Gai warrior entering in as my gunner.  I look at the man, and he hands me an E-11 blaster.

"You may need this," he tells me.

I grab the blaster from his hands. "Thank you," I reply getting into the speeder and begin turning the machine on.

My gunner waves his arm in the air and the bi-fold door opens before us. Once open, I accelerate the speeder out the hanger and onto the road leading to the Nui Ocean.  I look up over my head and see very dark blue clouds rolling in and I can hear thunder roaring in the distance. 

He is here, I can feel him.

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