Chapter 33- Fair, Pt.3 ~What I wanted

Depuis le début

"Morning sleeping beauty" Erwin says and I glare at him. I lean back and stare at my work on Erens neck. I think it suits him very well. I chuckle and cover it with my arms. Eren growls lightly and turns his head to look at me. I rub my eyes and yawn.
"Yes?" I say smirking slightly and he glares before turning his head forward and looking for Hanji.

"HANJI" Erwin shouts. We stop for a bit to see If she comes.

Eren's P.O.V

I am going to murder Lev, Why did he do that?! No doubt I have got hickeys on my neck but to top it off it isn't a high collar... Hanji is going to... ughhh. I am definitely getting him back for this. Even if it's the last thing I do.
Ugh and he has to act all innocent with the yawning and shit. I am going to make sure I get revenge.
"HANJI" Erwin shouts, I stop walking as we wait for her to come. I hear a squeal and see Hanji walkin- well running towards us with Mikasa in her arms.
"MY SHIP" She screams and I look at her confused.
"Your boat?" I say confused and she scoffs.
"No!" She motions to me and Levi. "My ship!" She shouts and Erwin chucks a rock at her head.
"Okay okay, lets get going, It's already late"
Wait we are leaving?!

"NO!" Me and Mikasa shout at the same time. Everyone looks at us and I feel my cheeks burn.
"I-I mean, we... Still need to ride the Ferris wheel!" I smile and everyone groans.
I feel my face fall. "What?" I say. They say they don't want to go on it and I moan.
"Pleeeeeeease" I whine and Levi sighs.
"I'll go" He says quietly and I jump making him yelp.
"YES! Come on!" I say running and everyone else running behind. "E-Eren slow down!" lev shouts but I see the Ferris wheel. I smirk. Payback.
"This is what you get!" I say and he chuckles quietly
"Well I quite like it" He says matter-o-factly and I stop dead in front of the wheel. Lev gets off my back but his legs give out quickly. I chuckle and help him up and he gets his legs back to working condition. Mikasa goes to jump in the room with us but Hanji says she will take her in the box below. Levi says she can come in with us but Hanji refuses. The doors shut and we start to move. I instantly run to the window and place my hands on the glass. Levi chuckles and walks up to me.
"You liked coming out tonight?" He says and I turn to face him and smile. "Yeah" I smile and he nods.
"Me too"
"Although" I say motioning to my neck. "I didn't like this part" I growl and Levi smirks walking up to me and touching the bruising marks on my skin.
"What are you on about, I should've handed these in for my art lessons" He jokes and I glare at him. I grab his hips and pull him towards me and hug him. He sighs into the hug and wraps his arms around my neck.

Okay Eren, You got this, just ask him...I take a breath and lean back from Levi.
"Lev?" He looks up at me, he's really tired, I can tell.
"How long have we been dating?"
He shrugs.
"A couple of months?" I nod.
"Yeah, well" I start and grab his hands from around my neck.
"Eren?" He says quietly. I smile.
"Levi... I don't think that-"
"Stop" he says pained. Oh shit, he thinks that I...
"No! That's not what I'm getting to I swear!" He looks away hurt. I grab his hands.
"Let me re phrase this Lev" The hurt expression doesn't leave his face. Tears well up slightly in his eyes.
"Lev, we have been dating for a couple of months now and I don't think that I am happy right now" Levi looks at me about to cry.
"And I can fix that" I say smiling.
"By making you mine" I say and Levi's eyes widen for a second before going back to normal.
"So, Levi, I don't want to be dating anymore" He meets my eyes.
"I want you to be my Boyfriend" I smile and he looks at me shocked. The tears that had been welling up in his eyes come out and he smacks my chest.
"You need to learn how to phrase things you shitty brat!" he shouts before wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing my shoulder. I nod.

"I realised, I'm sorry, that was supposed to be romantic" I say quietly.
"Let me try again, just give me a mi-" I'm cut off by Levi grabbing my face and kissing me deeply. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss back. I feel Levi's tears on my cheeks and I smile. He pulls away cupping my face when I see something I never ever thought I would see...

Him... Smiling...

I gasp and look at him. His smile is holy... "L-Lev" I say cupping his face. He smiles showing a few teeth.
"Well, looks like you gave me a reason to smile Eren" I feel my eyes burn and I quickly blink before hugging him close to me.
"so... Is that a yes?" I say and he nods into my chest.
My heart swells in pride as I can call this little one mine. The ride lowly starts to stop and I look up to see we have stopped at the top of the Ferris Wheel...

"It's beautiful" I hear Levi say. I nod and turn to face him. I smile and cup his cheek before kissing him softly before pulling away.
"Tonight, has been the best day of my life, and tomorrow..." I chuckle a little bit.
"I'm at the aquarium" I say and Levi chuckles, not the dead chuckle he always shows, but a chuckle that lights up his face, making me smile. Levi hugs my arm as the ride slowly moves again, becoming close to the ground. I look to the ground to see Hanji, Erwin and Armin staring at us with Mikasa on Armin's shoulders.
"Hey, when did they get off?" I say and Levi shrugs.
"I don't care" He turns around and hugs me, I kiss his forehead and hug him close.

He's mine... and I made him smile...

SO! I finished it!
I am also going to do an Epilogue on this story, for a few months ahead and that will probably be out a few days after this is published. Honestly, I had so much fun writing this and I thank anyone who gave this a chance, I am already planning another Ereri book but a soulmate one thingy. Ideas are just floating around so like I'm not sure but until that starts coming out, I have another Ereri book on my account and that is completed. Its a Cinderella AU but I won't self promote too much. Just thank you for reading, I hope to see you all again.

Minx, xox

Making You Smile- [Ereri/Riren]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant