"What's wrong with it?" I self consciously looked down at the outfit I'd chosen, not sure what was wrong with it.
I was wearing a white Henley t-shirt under a red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows, a pair of dark jeans, and a gray beanie.

"It's a little...too...fancy for support group," Drew said while widely smirking at me.

"You look fine, sweetheart," mom assured me.

"I'm not saying he looks bad. It just looks like something he would wear on a date or something..." Drew paused to glance at me with a strange look in his eyes. "You know if you were taking a certain new kid to the..." I cut him off then by saying, "We should go or we'll be late." I glanced at Drew, well...glared at Drew as he stood there smirking at me.

How the fuck does he know about Leo?

"Yeah, you guys should get going," mom agreed while looking at the clock, obviously not paying an ounce of attention to what Drew just said.

"Bye!" I called already heading out the door, not even waiting for dad.


"See ya bud. I'll be back in an hour or so," dad said as he pulled up to the back of the hospital -where the support group room was.

"Alright. I'll text you when it's over." I flung open my door and stepped out of the car.

"Have fun!" Dad called before pulling away from the curb.

Fun wasn't quite the word I would use to describe a support group for kids with cancer, especially not when I would be seeing the guy I kissed 6 days ago (in this very hospital, might I add).

I stared at the door to the support group room, unsure of what to do.
A small part of me was terrified to go in that room; It was telling me to go hang out in a different part of the hospital until dad showed up, but a bigger part of me was excited to go in.

I was genuinely excited to see Leo as I liked talking to him, and kissing him...well, that was amazing, but I was also terrified as I wouldn't have a clue how to act around him after he kissed me.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for this. It's gonna be fine Eath. You're gonna be fine...

I headed up to the door and opened it, repeatedly telling myself to stay calm.

As I was here a little early, a few people were still at the snack table chatting with each other. I glanced around the circle where a few kids were sitting, and all around the room. Leo was nowhere to be seen -which I was both happy, and unhappy about- nor could I see Lucy anywhere.
Normally she's one of the first people here because she likes to help Jeff set up, but I didn't see her anywhere. She's probably just at home...

"Hey, Eath. I'm actually surprised you're here," Will said with a smirk as he came over.

"Yeah, I was gonna stay home, but mom made me come," I replied with an eye roll.

"Why wouldn't you want to come, it's so fun and all." Will feigned overexaggerated enthusiasm

"Oh yeah, it's so much fun sitting around a dark, depressing room, talking about the thing that's trying to kill you," I remarked dryly.

ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now