Chapter Thirty-One: The Curious Goop from Outer Space

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On a clear moonlit evening, Braedey was outside in the backyard of the Spies' house, checking out a brand new and high-tech telescope Jerry had gotten him. The head of W.O.O.H.P told the brunette this telescope has the capability to search stars further than the planet Pluto, and maybe even beyond, but that's only for really big space telescopes.

Braedey checked a part of Saturn's rings, and he seems to be entranced by them. "Impressive. The gravitational pull of Saturn must be the source of the spectacular rings around it." He guesses, and writes it down in a small notebook next to him.

"Anything good out there, Braedey?" Alice asked, walking up to the brunette.

"There's a lot out there we don't know of." Braedey replied, then moved back from the viewing piece. "Here. Take a look." He offered.

Alice took a look through the telescope, which was now aimed towards Jupiter. "That's so cool." She commented. She then turned the scope away from the planet, but she then raised an eyebrow. "Hold on. This is strange. There's something out there moving." She spoke up.

This got Braedey's attention. Alice moved out of the way, as the brunette took a look for himself. As he does so, he saw some kind of shape moving towards the scope, but it looked too close to focus on. "What in the..." He was then cut off by what sounded like a rocket roar, accompanied by a faint sonic boom. Braedey and Alice look up to the sky, as Alex, Sam, and Clover ran out of the house, and as they do so, they saw what looked like something was falling through and out of the sky.

"What is that?" Alex asked.

"I can't see what it is." Sam added.

"That looks like a..." Braedey narrows his eyes, trying to get a better view of the object in the sky, and his eyes widened in shock. "It's a meteor!"

Just as he said that, the flaming object flew overhead of the Spies, heading over to a part of an empty grassy patch nearby their house. With a mighty crash and explosion, a cloud of dirt and dust shot up into the air, making the calm air go silent and still.

"That... that was intense." Clover commented.

"Come on! Let's go see what it was." Braedey called, and they all head out towards the impact site.

As they make their way to the site, they see a Fiat 500-size molten black rock sitting in a huge freshly made crater in the grass. A small cloud of dust settles around the large form. The rock has many pitholes across its form, whilst having many holes across it, while smoke and steam come off the object as it tries to cool off.

"That is one large meteor." Sam commented. She then noticed Braedey getting closer with a firehose. "Braedey, what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm going to see what it is, and maybe take a sample of the rock surface." Braedey replied nonchalantly. "It be worth knowing more of what is out there."

Braedey turns the hose on, then began to spray the molten meteor down, steam coming off the rock in the process. The brunette kept the water on a concentrated part of the meteor, the red rock now becoming a blackish colour, as the heat began to vanish from the meteor. Once seeing the rock become cooler, Braedey began to walk up to the meteor, but before he got even a foot closer, the sound of rock cracking could be heard from the space rock. The girls also noticed this, as they watched a series of cracks begin to appear and race around the whole of the meteor, the cracking becoming more pronounced until finally, the rock seemed to split in two, and break open like an egg.

"That's the oddest thing I've ever seen." Alex spoke up, looking past Sam and Alice's shoulders. "Braedey. Do you see anything in there?" She asked Braedey.

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