Chapter One: Apocalypse Earth - Day 215

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Apocalypse Earth
Day 215
Location: Former New York City
Time: 9:40 EST

'It has been 215 days since the event that wiped out the very human civilisation that constituted Earth. All... except for me. Yes. I am the last human being alive on Earth. I really wish I wasn't the last man alive, though. Although it's quiet, it's too quiet for me.'

New York City. One of the greatest cities in the world. One of the world's biggest. Now, all that's left of the city is the skyscrapers and structures, whilst there were no people left, and nothing within over a hundred miles of the metropolitan area. There was no sound also. Not from the honking of horns, the bustling of people coming and going, and not even the sound of birds flying around the city.

Standing on what could be the Rockefeller Centre building, someone looks out to the world that he used to call his home. The person is 7ft tall, with a set of broad shoulders, a skinny waist, a round head, and a short neck. The form has a set of skinny and lean arms and legs, but it showed off a lean muscular structure. He has pale white skin, like he hasn't received a tan or seen the sun before, a set of electric blue eyes, and is of Caucasian origin. His hair was short and shaggy in a golden brown colouration, whilst he looked like he was only 17 years of age by face. The articles of clothing he had on his form was a black t-shirt that has five claw marks ripped into the shirt, a pair of torn denim jeans, whilst he had on a pair of steel-cap workboots. He also had an amount of dirt across his clothes and face, along with his hair.

This was Braedey Martin, the last man alive on Earth. He knelt down on his left knee, his left arm crossing over it, and looked at the city that he once wished to go to. Now, there's nothing left to observe. Not when there's nobody to talk to about what he's seen. He felt tears enter his eyes, but he didn't bother to hide them. He let them flow down his cheeks, washing off the dirt that had accumulated there over time, and he wiped the dirt away.

'Many days I wonder: how can two of the most powerful men do something that killed over 4 billion people with some of the most deadliest weapons on the planet? Well, it all happened because of two men: Putin and Trump.'


At 0830 hours, 215 days previous, everything was just an average day. Everyone around the world were doing their jobs, taking care of the family, or doing things that they've wanted to do. Braedey and his parents, since he was the only child in the family, were all living in a part of farmland not too far away from the bustling city of San Francisco. But, when news came in from Washington, D.C. about president Vladimir Putin launching a missile that could wipe out the USA, they didn't count for the aftermath of the impact. Many people stood outside like idiots to watch the missile strike down in the centre of the USA, killing millions in the initial impact, whilst the shockwave of the blast ripped through towns and smaller cities around it. The missile was outfitted, not with a standard nuclear warhead, but with a 3,500 pound thermonuclear warhead, with the explosive force comparable to over a 3.5 million tonnes of TNT. The impact occurred at 9:20 EST, and the explosion immolated the area around the impact area.

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