Chapter Twenty-Two: Lost in Space Pt 3

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Previously on 'Totally Spies: A New Life'...

"What in the world..." Sam muttered in confusion of the humanoid that stood before them.

"Marinamatrix?" Mira spoke up, much to the other's confusion, as they looked to her. "What an unexpected surprise."

"Mira. You and Jennifer know this being?" Braedey asked, pointing to the humanoid before them.

"Marinamatrix lives on this planet, and has been here the longest out of us all." Jennifer replied to him, and prepared to drive the submarine back to base. "All will be explained and cleaned up when we get back to base."

With that, the humans and the black humanoid walked up to the Bridge, as Jennifer piloted the Cyclops along the reefs to base.


Once arriving back at the underwater base, Braedey and the three Spies were introduced to Marinamatrix, as Jennifer prepared a meal for dinner, and Mira took Clover to one of the many bedrooms around the base to clean her up.

Marinamatrix sat at the large table in front of Braedey, Sam, and Alex, the brunette wondering how she came to be, while Sam and Alex were interested of how she's like so. "So, Marinamatrix, is it?" Braedey questioned. "Why don't you tell us how you came to be, or how you are like this?"

Marinamatrix cleared her throat, and rolled her shoulders. "My species, known as the Matrixians, are an ancient race that date back to the time of the Big Bang. Beforehand, all members of our kind were a sentient race of energy. But, when the Big Bang occurred, we all were blessed with the gift of physical being. Once all the sentient energy gained enough kinetic energy from the Big Bang's immense force, we were able to take some form of mass. When we once settle into a planet or an astral body anywhere in the cosmos, we Matrixians use our adaptive powers and abilities to grow accustomed to the new environment. After some time of adaptation, we all end up as full-fledged multicellular organisms. From that point, we continue to evolve and change, imitating and integrating the environmental properties of the creatures around us. Soon enough, a Matrixian will grow to become the Alpha species of any planet, though our power will depend on certain factors."

"Amazing." Braedey commented, after taking some notes about the history of the Matrixians. "So, that's how your species are created."

"But, could you tell us about how you became what you are?" Sam asked. "I mean, I like to know how you go through a developmental stage."

"Very well." Marinamatrix nodded, brushed one of her blue tendrils behind her head. "Well, the first stage of our species is the Sentient Energy Stage. All Matrixians begin their lives as a mass of sentient energy: the beginning of our kind before the Big Bang. In this stage, all Matrixians are brightly coloured energy streams that all float around in space like comets, or even like fish in a river. We continuously stay like this until we settle down on a substrate, either in the ocean or in the dust and gas of any passing planet, meteor, nebula cloud, or planetary rings. In this current state, Matrixians are typically the most dangerous, as our plasma-like bodies can burn hotter than the surface of the sun, and it can cut through titanium steel like it was butter."

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