Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Costume Party

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About two days had gone by after Braedey's Body Switcher malfunction, and Sam, Alex, and Clover couldn't help but joke a bit about some of what had happened to 'Bridgette'. Alice showed a small smirk and would give out a little giggle every now and then, but we nearly burst out laughing when Sam told her about 'Bridgette's' bikini exploding off her large bust and rear.

Braedey couldn't help but show a small blush of embarrassment on his face whenever the girls talked about his female persona and what had happened. That day was pretty hectic for him, especially blowing up almost like a blueberry. Fortunately for him, or rather, fortunately for 'Bridgette', she wasn't filled with blueberry juice, and didn't have to be squeezed back to normal. Still, the experience was not one to take lightly.


With Alice, she was currently up in her room, feeling beat and exhausted, while she was lying on her bed, looking up at the rooftop. She had some sweat on her forehead, while her chest rose and fell with deep breaths. She had just finished sorting out all of the new clothes Mandy had bought for her to wear at the party, but the bluenette had firmly stated to her sister that she wasn't going to the party, and that was final.

"Man... and I thought the missions we went on were exhausting." Alice muttered sarcastically. "Man, I hate Mandy for buying all those for me. As much as I did like some, she overdid it again." She slowly sat up, wiped away the sweat on her forehead, and was about to get up, when she heard Braedey and the girls talking downstairs.

"Girls, you know that 'Bridgette' and I are of the same mind and body! When you pick with her, you pick with me! We both feel the same pain!"

"Come on, Braedey. We were, like, messing about. I mean, I didn't even know how to work that weird watch."

"Clover, Braedey is right. It wasn't funny when you gave 'Bridgette' really big boobs. She nearly fell over because of this huge things."

"I agree with Alex, Clover. I was actually trying to help both Braedey and 'Bridgette' get back to normal. It wasn't funny either when she blew up into a huge balloon. I was actually scared for her."

"Sam and Alex are 100% right, Clover. It wasn't really fun at all to be like that, too. So, let's not have this conversation become a regular habit. Okay?"


Alice watched the three girls soon head off to the lounge room, while Braedey began to make his way off to his bedroom. The bluenette decided to go and see how he was. She looked in the doorway of his room, and saw him fiddling with the Body Switcher.

"Braedey?" Alice's voice got his attention, as he looked to him. "Hey. I couldn't help but overhead your conversation with the girls. So, what exactly DID happen to you that day on the beach? I really need to know in case something like that happens again."

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