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He left me there sitting with my eyes wide open looking into complete space.

My mouth was left hung open and totally lost in awe and anger. He keeps on kissing me and acting like It's nothing or it never happened.

All these thoughts going in my head made the time pass by because before I knew it Mark was out of the shower.

I stood up and stoped right in front of him with my arms crossed and pouting.

Mark looked up from the ground with the towel still on his head and looked at me blank.

"Who do you take me for?-No, who do you think you are?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I think you're stupid and I'm Mark from NCT?" His expression didn't change which just angered me more.

"If you kiss me one more time and leave like it never just happened." I stopped my sentence and lifted up my hand to his neck.(hehehe neck slice)

"Why? Was one not enough?" Mark asked leaning in and me standing there frozen in place.

I closed my eyes and nothing happened all I heard was a small laugh and then a brush on my shoulder as Mark walked to the bed.

"Oh my god." Mark stretched before getting on the bed.

I walked over to the bed and sat/laid next to him turning the opposite way.

"What do you want to watch?" Mark asked and just pulled up the covers and ignored him.

"Elyse. Are you nervous?" Mark asked after hitting me then leaving his hand on me and slightly rubbing my shoulder.

"Let go, unless you want me to murder you." I said turning to him with a glare.

"I'm just teasing because you're being weird." He chuckled and I hit him and then started putting pillows in between us.

"What are you doing?" Mark started to move the pillows with a smile and I just replaced them each time he did until there were none left.

"If you keep being all touchy I will go sleep with Winwin." I said and his smile just dropped and he turned off the T.V., grabbed the pillows and turned opposite than me.

"Mark?" I asked and me didn't answer.

"You jealous?" I asked getting closer.

"No, I don't care." Mark mumbled and pulled up the covers.

"Okay, then I'll just have Winwin's roommate come we can be alone..." I stared to joke.

Mark shot up and looked at me which had me started.

He looked me in the eyes and took his hands and placed them on the side of my head bringing me closer to him until I felt his soft lips touch my forehead.

When he slowly moved away be once again looked in my eyes but this in deep and said, "stay." Before turning around and laying down.

My heart fluttered as I laid there trying to sleep.

A//N~ This was cringy and I'm not into this fluffy stuff but💁 just going to shimmy shimmy ko ko throw MYSELF out a window because of this short chapter I made at 5:16 am.

Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1Where stories live. Discover now