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Ten's P.O.V

"Why did Mark just drag Elyse out of the dorm?" I asked aloud to everyone.

"I sure would like to know myself." Frida spoke unsure making me a little afraid because we haven't talked about when she chose Jaehyun.

I was watching as to where Jaehyun would sit and I expected him to sit next to the open space by Frida but he sat next to Haechan and some girl?

"Wait, who are these girls again?" I asked looking at the three around the room.

A tall girl with curly blonde hair stood up and started to speak, "Hi, I am Allyson the bestest friend of Autumn and Daniela." She made a weird laugh thing at the end which made her remind me of Lucas, but also how is she so tall?

"HA! A friend, my friend now." Lucas said and went by her making me laugh about what I thought earlier.

A girl with the black/brown hair that was sitting next to Haechan stood up and gave a goofy smile and said, " I am Elyse's sister but no I am the younger sister not the older and if you make any jokes that will be giving me permission to make fun of you back." I don't know if she was goofy but just seemed a bit scary or was mean and just liked humor, so I looked at her conflicted.

"She's not normally like that. She's a loud goofball when you know her a little more." Allyson the tall blonde girl said with a parenting smile.

The shortest out of the three didn't bother to stand but just stayed seated next to Johnny.

"I am Frida's sister Daniela." Is all she said to us and then yawned.

"You guys seem nothing like your sisters." Doyoung pointed out and honestly I couldn't agree more.

"Mostly it's the other way around." Autumn said giving us a gummy smile showing her pretty small teeth.

We all got situated and sat by whomever we felt like, and started playing games with one another.

"Wait, I have been holding this in sense I got here but who is Jaehyun?" Daniela finally spoke.

Jaehyun flinched a little which I couldn't help but laugh at how he was intimidated by the short girl but in the end he spoke up, "I am Jaehyun." he raised his hand slowly like he was in school.

"Are you the one dating Frida?" Allyson spoke up with excitement but was shot down by a glare from Frida.

"You see that's complicated." Jaehyun rubbed his neck and looked around.

"How is it complicated?" Autumn asked pushing it on Jaehyun.

"It just is." Jaehyun spoke quietly avoiding any conflict.

"Do you like my sister?" Daniela asked.

"..y..yes." Jaehyun answered and Autumn near about freaked out.

"Then why the hell are you not dating?" Autumn moved her hands a lot not knowing what to do with them.

"Because of what SM wants." Jaehyun kept on looking at his knees.

"And what is that?" Allyson asked not all bubbly anymore.

"I can't say." Jaehyun started to play with his fingers.

"Why not?" Autumn asked, these girls are like a team they just keep on grilling Jaehyun.

"Are you just playing with my sister?" Daniela got up from the couch.

"No, it's just best for her future." Jaehyun looked into Daniela's eyes but looked away quickly.

Frida was just watching this all happen not doing anything either out of shock or because she wanted to know the answer to, but honestly I didn't know they weren't together it's quite the surprise.

"Speak clearly." Autumn stood as well with Haechan holding her arm back.

"SM wants to debut her as a producer!" Jaehyun yelled and it took me by shock and everyone else as well it seemed.

"JAE!" Frida screamed and stormed out of the dorm followed by Jaehyun.

"What does that mean?" Jisung looked at me and Taeyong but I really had no answers.

"She'll be known for producing like Groovyroom, Gray, Crush, and Epik High but more like Groovyroom where they don't sing or rap in the actual song often." Taeyong answered but left everyone with more questions unanswered.

A//N~ Don't fight me on this direction of the story because I had no other ideas

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