Chapter TwentyfOur

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Frida's P.O.V

"You must be crazy if you want me to chose!" I yelled at them walking around in circles.

"Calm down, just think about it-you'll choose me." Ten said with a cheesy smile and I stopped walking and threw my body down on the couch and screamed into a pillow.

"Com'on Frida just think about it and tell us." Jaehyun smiled and patted my back.

My mind is going to explode! Just wait Elyse, I am going to kill you.

"Okay, so it's my choice?" I asked trying to get serious.

"Yes, whoever you choose the other will be okay with it." Jaehyun gave a carrying nid that made me calm down a little more.

"Give me a minute." I said and honestly I feel like a horrible person, this isn't like me.

Jaehyun's P.O.V

I looked at the worry in Frida's eyes and it broke my heart, but it needs to be done.

I don't care who she chooses I just want her to be happy- yeah, that would make me happy too.

I think I love her?

I have never cared for anyone other than family the way I care for Frida, I want her to be happy, to be healthy, to succeed, smile, and to be with me for a long time.

Ten's P.O.V

She's going to choose me, I have nothing to worry about.

Well, I kinda feel bad for Jaehyun but he should be happy that Frida loves me and I am with her, right?

"Frida, I think you should answer now." I said confident in myself.

Frida's P.O.V

"Ugh, I don't think it would be right for me to answer seeing that we work together and you have thousands of fans to think about. It's not like we would date or anything." I started to feel the tears water my eyes and I couldn't help but think that I was doing the right thing for everyone.

"They would understand if we love someone they would support us." Jaehyun looked honest when he said that like all of them would accept it.

"We could also hide it from the N-Citizens, Idols do it all the time." Ten acted as if he was very well sure about that answer like he had hide a relationship before.

"Don't worry too much right now, just answer us. It hurts more anticipating than knowing." Jaehyun looked down at his hands he was playing with.

"I like both of you, but I would rather keep one of you as a close friend than a boyfriend." I said lowering my head.

"Okay, go ahead and say who you would prefer as a boyfriend." Ten didn't seem nervous or anything.

"I think, umm that. I like Ten more as a long time friend than a boyfriend." I looked up at Ten to see shock in his eyes and disappointment on his face.

"Oh, then I think I should go down to U so you both can talk." Ten got up and walked out of the door leaving Jaehyun and I in silence.

"Frida?.." Jaehyun didn't look up at me still but I sat there looking at him with a whole full heart.

"Yes..." I looked at him impatiently.

"I think we should talk to the others and my managers before starting something."

A//N ~ Aww, how cute! Obvious who she choose or no? HA! I don't care! :)-Lucas

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