Chapter nIne

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"Elyse!!" someone yelled piercing my ears, I took my nearby pillow and covered my ears with it.

The pillow over my ears was taken off, "Get up, it's your official first day."

"Mhhh... 5 more minutes, mom." I pulled my blankets up more so that it was now covering my face up until my nose.

"Mom!? Elyse, get up already." I got slapped on my forehead making me sit up and adjusting my eyes to the bright light coming from my window.

"Where am I?" I asked while looking around where I just woke up from.

"You're really dumb, you know that?" Frida said throwing clothes at me, at that same moment it all came back to me.

"Oh, right. I am in Korea. That wasn't a dream." I laughed at myself while grabbing the clothes Frida just threw at me and walked into the bathroom.

"Frida, what am I doing today!?" I yelled while getting dressed in the clothes I picked out the night before.

"What?" She yelled as I put on my pink-ish jeans and my black turtleneck.

"What am I doing!" I practically screamed at the top of my lungs.

"No need to yell, Elyse. You're being with me!" she yelled back and I opened the door immediately. 

"Really?" I asked smiling ear to ear at the fact that I'll be with my best friend all day on my first day.

"Yes. Now hurry and brush your hair." 

"Okay, but what exactly are we doing today?" I grabbed a brush and combed my hair and putting it back so I could wear a hat.

"We are helping the guys with their raps." She grabbed my Jordans from my closet and brought them to me while I was applying mascara.

"Wait, so like what we help them do today will be on a song?!" My eyes shot wide and my mouth dropped.

"No, this is practice and the only person other than NCT and the producers that will hear those raps are me, not you." She said as she closed my mouth.

"Okay, I am ready let's go." I jumped up put on my Nike windbreaker and walked out of the door, straight to the elevator.

"I can't wait to go to the SM building." I said while pressing F1 on the elevator buttons before Frida hit a different button going up.

"We aren't going there. We are going to 127's dorm because Taeyong prefures writing there."

I started to pout.

We walked out of the elevator and went right into 127's dorm, this time Frida didn't knock.

"Frida, how many times do I have to tell you to knock." Jaehyun said as he met us at the door.

"Yeah, I thought she finally knew yesterday. But I guess it was because Elyse was here for the first time." Yuta said laughing and now I believe it when they say he has a healing smile.

"Mark! Taeyong! They are here!" Johnny said as he walked out of a nearby room and came over to welcome us.

"How was the first night, little sis?" Johnny put his arm over my shoulders and looked down.

"Little sis? "Taeil asked while going into the kitchen.

"At least we know Johnny won't flirt with the intern." Taeyong said as he finally came in with Mark.

"You wouldn't have to worry about me, but more of Lucas or Mark." Johnny winked at me before walking away and honestly I was shocked and stayed unnaturally still.

"Stop, Johnny." Frida said shaking her head at him.

"Why would you have to worry about me?!" Mark was irritated by Johnny's statement.

"Look what you did, Johnny. You made Mark mad and Elyse uncomfterble." Jaehyun said.

I snapped out of it and laughed while waving it off.

"Let's just go and work already." Frida pulled Mark away into a room, and Taeyong and I followed.

A//N~ My sister's name is Elyse also her best friend is actually Frida btw. hehhe=)

Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1Where stories live. Discover now