Chapter fourtEen

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Mark kept on pulling the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Just call one of the guys to come and open the door." I said handing him his phone.

"About that... my phone died not too long ago.."

"Mark! Omg you're so dumb!" I said while making a face of shock and disbelief.

"Why can't you call them?" Mark asked looking at my phone.

"Well... I don't have their numbers.." I looked down.

"Elyse, you're worse than me. You're supposed to be our intern and you don't have any of out numbers?" Mark asked shocked.

"Shut up. I have yours." I said glaring at him.

"Yeah, and I am stuck with you. What about Frida?" He gave me the are you dumb look.

"She's out of town tonight and turned her phone off earlier." I said as I pouted.

"Call someone that works at the company." 

"Oh, okay." I responded to him and went through my contacts to my superior and tried calling but I had no signal.

"Mark, you're taller try and get signal to call." I handed him my phone.

"Is your phone still going to be charged enough to when we do find signal?" Mark asked while looking at my screen and turning it to me showing that I only have 6% left of battery.

"Great. And it's supposed to rain today." I said as I threw my body onto the couch and exhaled loudly.

"This is just great." Mark said grabbing my legs and picking them up so and back down he could sit next to me.

"What a great day, and it's only like 5pm right now." I said looking at Mark who seemed calm.

"It can't be that bad. You saw Win-win shirtless which was wasn't that bad even if you won't admit it and now we get to chill up here just you and me for a bit. While the rain comes down. I can also probably get some nice lyrics down."

 My heart started racing for some unknown reason when Mark mentouied it would just be the two of us.

"I guess it can't be that bad, right?" I inhaled and exhaled calming my nerves.

"I need to work on my lovey type of lyrics, and since I have never dated and you have you'll tell me about them." He grabbed his paper and pen acting as if this was a normal deed just anyone would do.

"Why would I tell you personal things like that!" I exclaimed and hit Mark on the arm slightly.

"You will because you're an intern and your job is to help me grow." I gave me a little smirk and I mumbled under my breath.

"How is it possible that you went from a neive cute child on T.V to this?!"

"What did you say, Elyse?" Mark asked coming closer to me.

"What do you want to know? The first one? How it happened? How it ended?" I said with a fake smile on my face holding back the anger I felt rise within me.

"First one!" Mark exclaimed." You had more that one?" 

"Yes, I am was a normal teenager in the US. I didn't become a trainee like you, Mark."I scoffed at how dumb his question was.

"Um, tell me your ideal type then?" Mark lowered his voice unsure if he should ask.

"Rich." I said as if it was an easy question and Mark nearly choked.

"Look, Mark I am only kidding. My sister always joked about that thinking it was funny--it wasn't." I laughed at how my sister could really get on my nerves with that.

"Then.. What really is your ideal type." Mark asked once again.

"Well... He should have a cute but weird laugh, a little taller than average, deeper-manly tone voice, makes me laugh, and no matter the stupid things he does it will always be cute to me." I smiled at the person that popped in my head.

"Ahhh, okay. Is there an idol that you would use to give me a bigger picture?" Mark's cheeks turned at light rosey red.

"What? Do you think I am going to say you?" I asked teasing Mark.

"No! But if it was, I wouldn't mind." His ears turned red along with his cheeks and I let put a little giggle.

"An idol I would call my ideal type is... Park Jinyoung." I nodded confidently in my answer.

"Wait, JYP? Isn't he in his 40's!" Mark's eyebrows raised intensely.

"No you idiot! Park Jinyoung "Junior" from Got7." I rolled my eyes and ignored him as he started to write.

Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora