"It's like the copernican revolution..." Izuku hide his face in embarrassment.

"Coperni-who? By the way, (Y/N)!" Turning his head to her "Yes?"

"May I ask what is your quirk? Is it teleportation? You finish the track so fast back then!" She asked. "I admit, I'm also curious." Iida confessed

"Oh... You can't tell? It's time manipulation. I can control the flow of time, revert or increase the aging of a subject, and many more. Like this." Pulling his knife he created two more holding it between his fingers.

(Like this)

"That's is so

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"That's is so....COOL!" Exclaimed Uraraka. "Yes, that is a very powerful quirk." Pointed out Iida.

"I admit, it's hard to control. But, I have trained from when I was a kid."

"Did you reverted the condition of Midoriya's finger?" Asked Iida

"Yes, I reverted the condition of Izuku's finger into 5 minutes before he thrown the ball. If I'm not careful and lose control, I can revert Izuku's body back to his child self even become a baby."

They laugh imagining it.


"Who can find the mistake in the following sentences? ALL RIGHT, EVERYBODY HANDS UP! SHOW ME YOUR SPIRITS!" Yelled Present Mic

'boring' ' so normal' 'dull' 'Bored outta my skull' were the thought from the students.

"The fourth sentence" answered (Y/N) with his hand held high. "YES! THAT'S RIGHT!" Exclaimed Present Mic

At lunch time, they are able to eat top-notch food with dirt cheap prices.

-Hero Basic Training-
"I HAVE...COME THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE NORMAL!!" Yelled All Might, their teacher for Hero training

'Hmm? He really gonna teach us?' thought (Y/N), remembering their conversation at the beach.

"Hero basic training. The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes!! No time to dally. Today's activity is this!" Thrusting out his hand holding a sign with the words 'BATTLE' written on it

"And for that you need this." Clicking a remote, realeasing a hidden compartment from the wall with lockers "In accordance with the 'quirk registry' and the special request form you filled out before being admitted... COSTUMES!"

"YEAHHH..." Shouted the class excited

" After you change, come out in ranking order to Ground Beta!!" They quickly went to their respective changing room

Walking out from the corridor

"Looking good is very important ladies and gentlemen!! Look alive now!! Because from today on
YOU ARE ALL HEROES!!" The students of 1-A were standing in front of All Might proudly

I Will Grow Stronger As The Time Passes (Bnha X Male Reader) (Hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ