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Oh God why did I even listen to my two am self?!

Complaining didn't seem to help you situation. After waking up in the middle of the night, you had decided to go out for some reason.

As pretty as the stars were that night, you couldn't help but curse yourself for impulsively leaving without a whole blanket.

The chilly nighttime weather cut through your thin sweater, sending a shiver down your spine.


"Oh ho ho~ what do we 'ave 'ere?" An annoyingly familiar voice coos.

"What the hell Francis?" You snapped, glaring at the Frenchman.

Francis lived across from you, so it wasn't nearly a surprise to see him around. But why was he out too?

His normally well-kept hair was disheveled and his button-up shirt was wrinkled. Like everyone else on the planet, he looked dead tired.

It was almost 3 AM.

Despite your harsh greeting, he smiles sleepily and continues walking beside you.

"Why are you out so late?" He questions, carelessly swinging an arm over your shoulder. His mocking tone was enough to make your eye twitch. "Young women shouldn't be alone at this time of night."
"Your point?"

"I'm here to protect you of course-!" He announced

"Psh, sure."

You didn't care, fatigue was starting to set in and you were dozing off slightly. He took a small glance at you before stopping.

"Wha- hey!" You object, eyes going wide as he picked you up. He held you bridal-style, the warmth from his body oddly comforting.

This is fine, I guess.

A warmth engulfed your chest as Francis held you close.

And as tired as he seemed, he carried you back home, where he set you down on the front door step.

". . . Thanks." You mumbled tiredly, digging into your pockets for the key.

"No need to thank me, mom cheri. Just be safe, and also-" Francis paused, stepping down. "-whenever you feel like going for a walk again, give me a call."

»»————-  ————-««
I tried to rewrite this at 12:00. I probably have more mistakes but that's ok

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