"Clawitzer Go!"

The blue lobster looking pokemon rapidly opened and closed its large claw several times, it was ready for battle.

Ash looked at Talonflame, he was clearly tired from the battle with Dodrio. Ash knew this battle wasn't going to take long in the first place, but now that Talonflame is up against a water type, the battle will be even quicker.

"Battle resume!"

Clawitzer shot towards Talonflame by using aqua jet. Talonflame managed to dodge, but Clawitzer came back around for another attack. Talonflame quickly took off flying away from Clawitzer. Talonflame needed some distance to be able to attack due to it's type disadvantage, so it tries to use the battle field to it's advantage. Talonflame weaved between the trees and lamp posts, using ember to set fire to the trees to try and create a smoke screen to blind Clawitzer and make it run into something, but it didn't work, Clawitzer kept too close to be affected.

Talonflame flew into one of the building to see they were just for show and empty space. Talonflame then proceeded to use steel wing along the walls. This caused the building to begin to collapse. Talonflame managed to escape without injury, leaving Clawitzer inside. However as the building was still crumbling, Clawitzer shot out like a missile, still using aqua jet, and slammed right into Talonflame. Talonflame fell to the ground with swirly eyes.

"Talonflame is unable to battle."

The crowd cheered for Max's victory, the thought unbeatable Ash had just lost two pokemon. I wasn't like they wanted Ash to lose, but it was nice to see he wasn't unbeatable.

Max heard the cheers for him, however tried to make sure he didn't let it go to his head. This was Ash he was battling here, he may have chose to battle him on a level playing field, but he knew Ash tended to pull off victories with unorthodox strategies when it mattered most. Max knew Ash wouldn't take a gamble putting himself in a weaker state unless he knew he could win.

As all of this went through Max's head, Ash returned Talonflame and thanked him. Ash then grabbed his next pokeball, enlarged it, and let it fly.

"Goodra, I choose you!"

The gooey dragon type emerged from his pokeball as he gave a battle cry.


Ash felt confident about this as Goodra was resistant to water type attacks.

"Battle resume!"

"Goodra, use power whip," Ash called out, trying to take advantage of Clawitzer's weakness to grass type moves.

The two large antennas on Goodra's glowed purple and grew longer as as they hurled towards Clawitzer. Then, something Ash didn't account for happened.

"Clawitzer ice beam," Max called out.

Ash's eyes widened as the ice beam fired from Clawitzer's large claw and froze Goodra's antenna. Goodra cried out in pain from the very effective attack. Goodra managed to lift his antenna up and slam them on the ground, freeing them as they returned to their normal length.

"What do you think Ash? Just like you say with your training, covering your weaknesses. I had Clawitzer learn it to cover his weakness against grass types, I guess it works good against dragon types also," Max said with a smirk.

Ash clenched his teeth as he went over everytime he saw Max's Clawitzer in action, trying to figure out how he missed this. In the end he realized Clawitzer had never used that attack before, even at the league. This left Ash with only two conclusions, either Clawitzer just learned that attack, or Max had been holding it back to use against him just like this. In the end it didn't matter, it didn't change the fact that had just been put at a disadvantage and didn't even realize it until now. Another thought then ran through his head, "what other tricks could Max be hiding."

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