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~Vallory's P.O.V.~

"Oh my god," I breathed, my long lost brother gave Christian a pleading look. Christian pursed his lips, seemingly annoyed, but nodded his head in my direction.

Jayden met me in the middle of the room and picked me up and spun me around in a tight hug. We heard the kids of the room "Aw" as we fell to our knees, still embraced.

"I-I thought you were dead," I whispered, Jayden sniffled.

"I didn't know what to think about you," He chuckled, "Stubborn, always to stubborn for your own good."

"So what happened?" I asked, referring to the abduction when we were 8.

"I don't know, after you went inside to grab a popsicle, this big white van pulled up and some guy walked out and knocked me out. Woke up in this town all tied up, Christian saved me. Made me his assistant." Jayden whispered.

"Oh my god Jay I've missed you to much," Over my twins shoulder I saw Christian staring at me intently, studying, chewing on his thumbnail. A habit which reminded me of Shane. I sent him a grateful smile, he nodded back but kept his eyes narrowed and his teeth attached to his already ragged nail.

Jayden and I took deep breaths then parted, making our ways back to our places in the room. Carl grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, I smiled at him.

"Okay," Christian clapped, "Now that that's out of the way, we can proceed with training, yes?" No one said anything, "I'll take your silence as enthusiasm," A low laugh erupted from the kids, this guy was good, "All righty then, so today we are going to bring out the wooden swords, plastic for the younger kids, and you are going to learn one on one combat. So, we are going to have an example pair up here so I'm going to have..." He inspected the list of names, "Um, Grimes and....Uh...Dixon."

I bit back a laugh at Carl's expression, for one, no one wants to have to fight a Dixon. No mercy, boyfriend or not. And he knew that. Also, my weapon out where I needed it was either my katana or a machete. And let me say, I was pretty boss at using it. I laughed hysterically as Carl started rambling out excuses, then even harder at Christians replies.

"I-I can't hit my girlfriend!"

"Why not?"

"Uh...well she's a girl!"

"Point is?"

"Well, I don't want to beat her,"

I scoffed, Carl face palmed.

"I think you just sealed the deal, dude," Gale laughed, I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay, here are the rules," Christian said, handing us the swords and putting us in the middle of the room, "No punching, no running away, no stopping until I say so, no foul words," He eyed me, I looked down and bit back a smile. He obviously knew the Dixons in some way, "No mercy, and have fun!"

Carl stared at me, eyes wide, and shaking a little. He mouthed the words no mercy over and over again, then started looking even more frightened. I rolled my eyes then got into the correct stance, Carl mimicked me.

"Ready? On the count of three, one,"

"I am so dead," Carl whispered, looking up at the ceiling.


"Go get 'em Val!" Various girl voices chanted, and the boys said the same to Carl.


Carl charged forward, I evaded him easily. I circled him slowly, he scrunched his nose up in concentration. Carl suddenly took a step forward, it took me by surprise. By instinct, kicked his legs then swung the sword, narrowly missing his head. Carl stood up quickly and we found ourselves circling each other. Knowing him, I had to calculate any move he might try and any ways to block him without injuring him. So, Carl would either lunge forward, wait for me to move first, or close in until he could get a could swing at me. I could easily evade him lunging again, moving first could be smart, and if he tries getting close I'll just go Dixon on him. Carl, of course, started closing in on me inch by inch. I gave him a sympathetic smile and I could see confusion then terror flash through his icy blue eyes in mere seconds. I lunged forward like he had and swung. Carl brought his sword up just in time to block me from hitting his shoulder. Taking advantage of this, I quickly moved my sword to his side. He hissed in pain as he hit the ground. I didn't hesitate, no mercy, I brought the sword down as fast as I could, praying he would block. The sound of splintering would echoed through the room as he blocked me from almost bashing his head in, which I wouldn't actually of done...maybe. Carl kicked my feet, causing me to fall on my back, and he got on top of me. I felt the splintered would itch my skin as Carl put the sword to my neck, smirking. I shook my head, laughing. I pushed my legs upward, Carl was knocked off of me and we both scrambled to our feet. Okay, fencing lessons kicked in. I started slashing quickly, faking jabs to distract him long enough to wack another part of him. I avoided because I was probably embarrassing enough. After awhile, we were both getting pretty wore out. Deciding I was pretty much done, I used my old gymnastics lessons that I was forced to take at my old refugee camp and did a backflip, kicking the sword out of his hand. Sticking the landing, Carl's jaw dropped.

"You can stop now," Christian said, sounding slightly shocked, but he kept the same annoyed/hard expression he has had since he got here. My knees buckled beneath me and I sat on my butt for a second, taking a few deep breathes.

"For every bruise I have, you owe me a damn kiss," Carl muttered so only I could hear and I burst out laughing. He helped me up and we walked hand in hand back in line.

"Anyone else want to battle our victor?" Christian asked, everyone eyed each other, but no one spoke up, except for one little kid.

"Sorry, I don't want to die," I started laughing.

"So what was that about beating me 'cause I'm a girl?" Carl rolled his eyes playfully.

The rest of training went fine, Carl and I weren't forced to fight with anyone else so we just got to do the obstacle course together. When practice was over I ran over to Jayden to see if he could come back with me. I really wanted him to meet my our dad. Christian and Jayden looked tense, like they just had an argument of some sort.

"Uh, hi Jay. Are you aloud to come to my house?" Jayden looked at Christian and rolled his eyes, then nodded.

The walk back was filled with my twin and I catching up, Carl decided to go home for a while to spend time with Judith. I didn't tell Jay about getting bit...twice... and I didn't tell him about Lenny getting bit either. The door creaked a little as I opened it, Carol and dad were sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey guys," I said walking in a little, "Guess who I found!"

"Did you find the Lord?" Dad teased in a mocking voice, he knew I was atheist, have been since everything went to shit.

"No," I spat.

"Who did you find, sweetie?" Carol asked, god I loved her.


~Christians P.O.V.~ (Didn't expect that did ya?)

I watched as my assistant left with his twin, my facial expression never changing. I knew from the second I read their files at their other refugee camps that something special was happening in the blood of these siblings. The government kept tabs on everyone, nowadays. No escaping it, they knew everything. So, I had decided I needed to kidnap one, or both, of them to figure out if they were special. One day I caught the little boy by himself in the front yard. I sent a few of my men to do the dirty work of kidnapping him, then staged saving him so he would trust me. After awhile I realized the only way to know if he really was special was to get him bit by a roamer. So, the boy was of little or no use in the category of immunity. But then, I noticed his sister and that she wore sunglasses, and she had a bandaged wrist. But there are always excuses. She could get abused and was cutting herself, but I didn't think Daryl Dixon would abuse his only daughter. Plus, I had been hearing that she had been bitten during an outbreak yesterday. If she was normal then she would have already died. Of course, Vallory Dixon didn't trust anyone who worked for our government...other than her sweet twin. Now all I had to do was let Jayden spend time with her and gradually get the information out of her, and then I would get it out of him. One way or another...

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