"Your eyes! You're immune," Ruth smiled, funny, I didn't feel my eyes change.

"I think you are to," I replied quietly, "Your eyes are black.."

"I've been bit before," She said, sounding ashamed, "I probably should have told you. So has Melody and Bradly."

"A whole group of immune?" I asked incredulously, "All in the same town? If The General gets ahold of any of us then.."

"We could save the world," Ruth cut me off.

"No way, you guys have fought and survived to long just to be killed off in a lab when there's a chance that they can't even remove the immunization cell to make a cure," Carol exclaimed.

"I'm not letting hundreds of people die just to save one girl who doesn't want to die. It's selfish and it's wrong!" Ruth threw her hands in the air.

"It's selfish to want to grow up? It's wrong to have a will to live, to want to fall in love and have kids some day? It's selfish to want to be able to have kids and watch them grow along with your siblings and friends?" I asked.

"If one of us doesn't sacrifice ourselves no one will get to do any of that," Ruth growled, finishing wrapping her side where she was bit then stormed out. I wrapped my arm also then walked out of my house, I needed to see Carl.

I walked the short distance to his house and knocked on the door. A tall brunette who looked to be around her late 20's opened the door, she smiled at me.

"Hello, I'm Callista. And you must be Vallory?" She said in more of a question.

"Uh, yeah. Is Carl home?" I looked over her shoulder and saw Carl and Rick talking quietly in the living room, they looked like they were arguing.

"Yeah," Callista gave me a sad smile, looking back at them also, "They've been at it all morning. Would you like to come in and stay for lunch? Maybe you could help calm them down."

"Sure," I smiled, even though I just met Callista I already liked her, she seemed sweet.

"Boys," She huffed a little as Rick and Carl got a little louder, "Guys look who's here!"

Both boys eyes went to me, and I smiled awkwardly. Carl instantly smiled and gave me a hug and pecked my cheek. I saw Callista smile, my cheeks heated up a little. Carl intertwined our hands.

"I invited her to stay for lunch, if that's okay," She looked at Rick, who just smiled and nodded.

Carl led me to the kitchen and I hopped up onto the counter like I always did, while Rick and Callista stayed in the living room. Carl put his arms on either side of me and smirked.

"Who's Callista?" I asked, still not exactly sure on who she was.

"Dad's new girlfriend," Carl rolled his eyes playfully, I think he liked her to.

"She's sweet, and I think it's good Rick started dating again," Carl tried hiding a dirty look.

"Don't get me wrong, she's cool, but I can't believe he moved on from mom like she never even existed," He looked down so his hat was covering his eyes, yeah, he still wore the sheriffs hat. I thought it was cute.

"Hey," I lifted his chin, making him look at me, "If I died, I would want you to move on, I wouldn't want you to mope around all day and be an old cat man."

"Buy you're not going to die," Carl said.

"What makes you so sure?"

"I'll always protect you," He smiled, my heart melted. I kissed him and he lifted me off the counter then held my hand again.

We went back into the living room only to see Rick and Callista making out.

"Aw what the- GROSS!" Carl and I said in unison.

"You guys kiss all of the time!" Rick said.

"Y-Yeah but that's different, you guys are adults," I felt my cheeks heat up, did he really have to point that out?

"It's just gross!" Carl agreed.

"So is it when you guys kiss!" Rick countered.

"You mean like this?" I turned to Carl and smashed my lips into his. He seemed a little surprised at first but then kissed back. I put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist.

"Aw!" Callista cooed, Carl and I laughed in the kiss.

"Ah gross c'mon!" Rick shielded his eyes, "Don't make me tell Daryl! We're going over there now to get him and Carol for lunch to!"

Carl and I didn't stop kissing until they both were out the door, then we collapsed on the couch laughing. I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Now that was funny," Carl laughed.

"Definitely," I said a little distractedly, I was thinking about what Ruth said. Carl made me really happy, and the thought of having kids in this world made me cringe. And marriage? What if one of us dies, then where would we be?

"Are you okay?" Carl asks, putting a hand on mine.

"Uh, y-yeah. Just thinking," I stuttered.

"About what?" I sighed.

"Well, earlier a herd of walkers somehow got in and they surrounded Ruth. I was fighting them but...these ones seemed different. They were dodging our attacks, smacking weapons out of our hands, I was getting punched and kicked by a few for god's sake! They're learning from what they see, they're changing. Evolving," A chill went up my spine and I noticed Carl tense up a little, "Ruth told me that her, Bradly, and Melody have all been bit. They're immune, Carl! It's not just me and Lenny! She said one of us has to sacrifice ourselves to The General-"

"The General died," He cut me off, "There's a new guy already, his name is Christian Lopez,"

"Okay then one of has to sacrifice ourselves to Christian or we are just being selfish by keeping ourselves alive instead of saving millions of others. I asked her if it was selfish to have a will to live and want to fall in love? If it was wrong to want to have kids and watch them grow? She said none of that would happen if we didn't do something. Carol said it wasn't worth it if we fought this long just to die in a lab, especially if they can't even remove the cell. I'm starting to wonder...Am I being selfish by not turning myself in? Am I doing the right thing keeping myself alive over others? If I turn myself in then Judith won't have to grow up in this world. Everyone could stop running, no more people would die. I could end this. Am I doing the right thing by saving myself?"

"Yes, you are," Carl said, wrapping an arm around me, "You deserve to grow up and have kids. To get married, why should you have to be the one to turn yourself in? You have to many people who care for you, Lenny needs you. Carol, your dad, me. It's suicide. And I don't know what we would do without you."

"Keep on living," I shrugged.

"Please don't do it, there are probably thousands of other people who are immune, it can't just be you guys," Probably, I hate that word.

"You're right," I lied, he smiled.

A few minutes later Rick, Callista, Daryl, Carol, Lenny, Avery, and Madi showed up. I walked over and picked up Lenny and squeezed him in a hug.

"I want you to explain to me everything that happened, don't leave out a single detail," I whispered in his ear, Lenny nodded.

I went in the kitchen with Callista and Carol to make the sandwiches that we were having for lunch, while Carol and Callista made small talk I just stuck to making the food. I didn't really feel like talking. We all decided to watch a movie while we ate, but I was barely even paying attention.

"You okay?" Carl asked, he had his arm around me.

"I'm fine," I forced a smile, Carl looked uncertain.

I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head no matter how hard I tried. Am I being selfish? Should I just turn myself in? Would anyone even care if I was gone?


Yeah I know this wasn't my best chapter but I thought that I seriously needed to update this story or you guys were going to literally kill me. So...here you go. Hope you enjoy, I love feedback!<3

Walking Dead-Carl GrimesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora