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Sebastian POV

I walk down the streets of Lima. I threw everything away for a fantasy. "Sebastian Smythe?" I hear a voice call out from behind me. I pause then I smile, I know that voice. "Blaine Warbler Anderson." I smile. 

"What's up buddy, haven't seen you since, the uh proposal." He gives me  hug. 

"How are you and Kurt?"

"Well we have some catching up to do don't we?"

"Lima Bean?" I say, he nods. 

"So you know he said yes, but then stress and we broke it off, then I was depressed, I ended up getting kicked out of Nyada. I was then allowed to coach the Warblers. I started dating Dave Karofsky. But I still loved Kurt, then Kurt started dating some old dude named Walter, there was a small competition at McKinley and Sue locked us in an elevator and made us kiss to be freed. Then we went to the Brittana wedding, Britney wanted Kurt and I to get married too so yeah." 

"I missed a lot, didn't I?" I chuckle. "Hey can you rally some of your friends?"

"Sure, why?"

"I need help." 

"Okay everyone. I know many of you hate me."

"Sebastian, the level of hate is low now okay?" Kurt says. 

"Alright. I went to... Another place, and this friend might- she might die." I hear gasps come from all over the room. "She is someone that made me better, and she's everything to me." "Awwww!" "Anyway, I need a plan." 

"How does Mrs. Smythe die?" Santana snorts. 

"We are dating, Santana god! She dies... above a volcano."

"That's new." 

"There is some machine the hangs her above the volcano, like a clothes rack, without hangers, instead it has some rope that is tied on the rack and her waist, and it turns so that she is lowered." I draw a picture. 

"Alright then quickly stop the rack from lowering her." Sam says.

"That won't work if the kill switch is with the bad dude." 

"It took 3 hours but this plan is fool-proof." Everyone claps. 

"Go save your girlfriend." Blaine smiles, then he thinks of something. "Aren't you gay?" He asks. Everyone nods. "Yeah, you tried to take my man!" Kurt crosses his arms. 

"I'm bi you idiots!" I shout. Everyone laughs. 

"Party time?" Sam smiles. 

Sam, Blaine, Everyone

I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds

Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

I'm never gonna look back
Whoa, I'm never gonna give it up
No, please don't wake me now

(2, 3, 4)
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

I howled at the moon with friends
And then the sun came crashing in

Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]
But all the possibilities
No limits just epiphanies

Wo-o-o-o-o-oh [x2]

I'm never gonna look back
Whoa, I'm never gonna give it up
No, just don't wake me now

This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

I hear it calling outside my window
I feel it in my soul
The stars were burning so bright
The sun was out 'til midnight
I say we lose control (control)


This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife
This is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gotta be
The best day of my life
Everything is looking up, everybody up now
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-ife

"Thank's all." I smile. 

"Hey can Kurt and I help you? I mean this is a good plan, but Kurt and I need to get away anyway. Can we come with you?" Blaine asks me.

"Um, sure I don't see why not, but uh if you do, I need to explain some things."

"Alright, Kurt, come on." 

"So they have magic, and uh you can't tell anyone." I start explaining everything. After I finish I look at them. "You promise?"

"We promise." They both say. 

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