My Brain Hurts

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Sebastian POV.

"So, uh Caitlin." 


"You like music?" 

"Yeah. I used to listen to a lot of music with my... Husband."

"Sound like you're not together?"

"He, uh Ronnie, he died trying to save the city from a singularity." 

"Sorry for your loss." 

"And then... There was a guy Jay... uh Hunter. He turned out to be evil and tried to kill us, and The rest of the city, plus another world."

"So, your love life sucks so far?" 

"Pretty much." 


"Got to go." She turns around and walks away. 

After a while of waiting everyone comes back. 

"So you are definitely a doppelganger. But, the thing is, you and Barry aren't exactly the same... DNA is not exact like other doppelgangers. It's like you are siblings, you don't even vibrate differently." Caitlin says. 

"What?" Other me says. 

"Wait...... Wha?" I nearly fall over for the 5th time today. 

"Woah...." Nerd guy says. 

"Wait so, me and Sebastian are brothers?" 

"According to the test results... yes?" Caitlin smiles uncomfortably. 

"Let me just go home? Then you don't have to worry about this stuff okay?" I nearly scream. 

"No, this is dangerous. I'm gonna call my dad." Other me says. 

"You have a dad?" I ask. 

"Yes, You don't?" 

"I have a mom." I shrug

"Funny... I don't" 

"Seriously OPPOSITES, 1000000%!" Nerd guys says.  

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