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Barry POV.

I swear that Smythe is getting on my nerves, he fricking sang with the Meister! 

"Uh... Barry?" Felicity looks at me. "This, other you... Will you let him... ya know go home?" 

"Felicity... I know it's weird but, he's my LAST family- blood related, family member. I kinda want him to..." 

"That's not your choice." Sebastian interrupts. 

"I... I'm sorry but..." 

"Stop, let me go home, forget about me, just let me go!!" 

"I... Sebastian! We're family!"

"I have a real family! Samantha Smythe and my mother, Nora Smythe!"

"But... I know it's wrong but!"

"Stop,it's my decision, not yours." 

"It is..." Felicity says.


"Bye, Sebastian." Caitlin says, giving him a hug. 

"Sorry I called you a dick... Bye, I'll miss your snarky comments." Cisco shakes his hand. 

"Bye... Sebastian."

"Bye. Barry."

After everyone says their goodbyes.

"Well, just walk through, when I say." Cisco opens a breach. "Go!"

Sebastian walks through and poof... he's gone.  

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