Hey... Bro

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Barry POV.

"Sebastian is my brother though!" I tell Iris and Joe. "DNA results say so!" 

"Barr... I don't know what to tell you.. It's not like you can ask your parents..." 

"I know but!" I suddenly realize. I run to S.T.A.R Labs. I quickly type... And read. 

I run back. 

"I had a twin... But when he was born... He was taken and was never found."

"Barry.... I'm so sorry." Iris grabs my hand. 

"But the worst part... I found this." I hold up a drive. "I watched it. Harris... Eobard is the one that took him and shoved him in.. Earth 12." 

"Damn it! Him AGAIN!" Iris yells.

"He really ruined my life." 

I tell Cisco and Caitlin. And Sebastian. He walks off. 

"Wait Sebastian!" I yell. I walk to him. 

"I..... I've done really bad things... And Caitlin told me, you're the Flash... A hero. I'm just a..." He turns away. 

"Who's your mom?" 

"Nora Smythe?" He looks at me. 

"Mine was Nora Allen." I smile. 


"Henry Allen." 

"Mine was Henry Smythe."

"I really don't like 'Smythe'..." 

"I really don't like 'Allen'..." 

"I found out you have a sister?" 

"Samantha Smythe." 

"I kinda have a sister... Iris... uh West Allen." 

"Wait you married your sister?"

"Don't judge us!"

My MistakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora