Come On!

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Barry POV.

Cait's been acting like Ronnie came back to life, then died again.


"Fine!" She constantly looks at Sebastian's test results.


I fall over dizzy as hell.


"Hey wake up!" Caitlin is examining my eyes. 

"Oh I know.. Metabolism."

"Sorry, haven't been keeping up."

"I know."

"Hey Kara!" Kara dropped by after she heard, about everything. 

"You okay?" She looks at me.

"I miss him. He's my gosh darn brother!"

"Yeah I can only imagine. I wish I met him."

"He defeated Miester. He sang so well.."

"Wow... Sang?"

"He was in the Warblers or something."



"Where?" Both me and Kara say. 

"So... You think you can run from Supergirl?"

Kara flies and gets him.

"Let's go!" 

Suddenly she drops him an faints. 


"Hmmm. Sing and I will let he awaken." He says running away.

I carry Kara back to S.T.A.R Labs. 

"What? Isn't she invincible?"

"I don't know..." 

"You have to sing?"


"Well then sing!"

"I can't.." I cough. "My throat is killing me."

"Oh frak."

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